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guilt is my shadow

The weight gain was caused by internal bleeding from the tumors rupturing. I love my boy Stuart so much and I hope I made the right choice. The love we share with our animal companions goes beyond this world – it is somehow purer, deeper and on a whole other level than that we often experience in other areas of our lives. I took him home that day and loved him best I could. I think what you are feeling is normal when it comes to euthanasia. So although we got another precious week with our dog it was the most miserable and stressful week of our lives. As the night progressed he started snorting a lot (reverse sneezing). About 12:25 I was sitting up and a horrible whooshing feeling came over me. Another male cat was still in the shelter. But will I ever love her again? I know there is a lesson in all of this. I was up with him all night and took him to the vet first thing Friday where xrays confirmed he had a mass on his lung. She taught me affection – how to cuddle right. I can’t kick the guilt I feel. She did not deserve it and i feel guiilty because untill the end i couldn t let her go or accept it and thought if it happened she d be better in my arms to her last breath…i guess i was selfish now….now i regret it. The separation feels like part of yourself was split off or was taken from you. I put off taking her to the vet thinking she was just stressed because she was losing weight and still eating. The next day I slept most of the day and was wondering why I wasn’t feeling much. I knew that God forgave me for my neglect but I had a lot of trouble forgiving myself. Maybe it could help. I can totally relate Paige. I couldn’t care to see my sweet, loving and silly cat suffer. But we got an emergency appointment at the vets within an hour and he was put in for an x-ray. She had been vomiting for over a week many times a day. I miss her presence. I hope the pain you felt was not too great and by letting you go I saved you from more suffering. They noticed he ate something which showed up pretty big in his belly. I was too scared to look close and thought I had caused internal bleeding from aspirin. I feel guilty too, but I’m trying to find peace. You may have moved far beyond these feelings since it was over a month ago that you posted this. I took the next day off work and spent all day with him. And all that time we were sitting around, deciding if we had the money to take her in, she was suffering. This is the hardest thing I ever dealt with because it’s like I put him down and now find out that others describe this option that I was given and said no to was a “cure”. I should have listed to my intuition. It will over time, he was not my first cat, but I miss him terribly. I can’t wait to meet her at the rainbow bridge. My husband and I came home late Saturday night and Trixy was begging for her canned food up in my bedroom like she usually did. We cuddled him as he was on oxygen and still rapidly breathing. Please don’t be hard on yourself when you had so much going on in your life! Her death was so senseless and could have been completely avoided if it wasn’t for my neglegance. There was stuff all over his face ( something to do with the kidney failure), we knew he had kidney and thyroid problems since November and have been doing everything to help him, give him meds every day and renel food etc. I had to put my sweet Shih Tzu Buttercup to sleep this morning. Two days ago I got the call from the animal shelter they had found her and I needed to come right now. I laid with her on the ground and told her how much I loved her and how much joy she had brought me but she just stared into space. I just would like to move forward UT I keep seeing his sweet little face and I am thrown into the darkness yet again. I may have just been buying a little time with him but it would have been precious time even if only for a few weeks and I don’t understand why second vet didn’t realize he had only been on meds for 2 days before she decided they couldn’t help him. This routine was no affecting everyone’s time. Platelets had dropped to 12.75 and he starts getting a transfusion lined up. One of the reasons nature gives an animal multiple offspring at once is because statistically it is likely some will not survive childhood. We had gotten a new kitten in the household, and I just thought she was upset. I read that’s it’s my last duty as a loyal owner. He was not really a lap cat who loved extensive cuddling sessions. Thankyou so much for this site.. its truly a godsend. I took him to the vet today and was today he needed surgery, x Rays blood work and medications. Am I wrong for thinking and feeling like a horrible person for doing this? It was on of the saddest moments in my life that I’ve ever experienced. When I asked the vet did we do the right thing she said “yes…it’s better to be one week early than one minute too late”. And there it was. His lungs, heart sac and chest were full of fluid. Wednesday morning he seemed fine but after work he hadn’t greeted me like normal so I went upstairs to find him hunched under the desk. I had just put my dog to sleep on Friday 6/26/15. My prayers go out to anyone in this situation. Love always. I will never forgive myself for that horrific mistake. For this she had to be sedated. The vet came to us and simply said, “well, he’s gone.” It took us a moment to realize what he was saying and then we both just collapsed into tears. I love you, and you were always welcome in my room*. Today is January 12,2016 and on January 9, 2016 I had to put down my orange tabby, Stuart. I went to check and he was lying in the hall, breathing hard. Michael , I am having the same feeling today. I thought she was fine because her behavior had not changed. Things began to change and we still talked to him, gave him attention and had our usual routine of treats during movie time, but Ozzy would cry incessantly. 2) If you had not cared for these kittens, the one that died would still most likely have died. The vet was going out of town and he said we should talk when he returned and because she also was having blood in her urine, he prescribed an antibiotic and gave her a B12 shot and SQ fluids for the dehydration. I feel like we looked for her everyday and every night the garage was left open till late as we could. Your intent was good. The operation to save her was going to be over $5000, there was no way we could afford that. It is the hardest decision we have had to make as we have had him since 8 weeks. Such shelters should all be banned specially for cats. After days of searching the house, the neighborhood bushes, neighbors’ garages, putting up flyers around the neighborhood, in mailboxes, gas stations, vet offices, local rescues, multiple Facebook posts, etc, I found his body yesterday in the neighbor’s yard, a mere 10 feet from my front door. They did xrays and found he had congestive heart failure, lots of fluid in his lungs and his legs were paralyzed. Just this last Saturday I had to euthanize my 7 year old dog due to complications from Lymphoma Sarcoma/ cancer. She still ate and evacuated well but I would cry when she would be oblivious to things, which made her so vulnerable and when she hurt herself by bumping into things. He also hates the vets and I could not stand to take him unless absolutely necessary. When they sedated her, they put her on a table and it gave her weight. I hate myself. All this is a process and it is natural that it will take time to heal, just focus on the wonderful memories you shared. I recently just had to put down my beloved dog. They gave me information about kidney failure and said she could have months or 3 years to live. She was 15 years old and a lovely shizhu-poodle mix. Had her since teenage now almost 35 years. I am truly burdened with so much guilt that I don’t understand how it’s even possible. It takes time- you will always remember your pet and he will always live in your heart. Unfortunately, there was no improvement overnight. She had a jaw tumor that was pushing her test out of alignment and was always trying to get rid of it by rubbing her face and licking her teeth. I am going through this exact situation today…. My cat Autumn was only 9, and I will never know what took her life. We are heartbroken, but I am at peace with the decision and had no doubt that the time was right. She wouldn’t stand up and stick her head out the car window anymore. With Matthew Davis, James Spader, Aidan Quinn, Peter Coyote. I had to have my beagle baby put to sleep on Sunday, October 5, 2014. After an early morning of yowling, I made the snap decision to take her to the vet to be euthanized. The gentlest soul ever. I took him to the vet Tuesday who said, “not good”. Took him back in the next day for a check up, and was ok to come back home. I stayed with my cat for over an hour and the woman offered that I take her and ‘try it out’ for good. I don’t know, but I feel so guilty at how I’m feeling. Then after consulting with another vet he does X-ray of abdomen and chest and thinks spleen cancer and more in abdomen. I got the impression from him that to do all of that would not necessarily help her and her quality of life is now severely compromised. So I will surrender with the understanding that perhaps I’ll never know. He stayed in one night, he was ok to come home the next day. I couldn’t make myself promise that, I was saying crazy things like I’d run away with him and he’d be fine. I had her since I was 16-years-old. Searched like hell, didn’t find her. Then I took him for a round of vaccines and he got very sick; he was sick for almost six months, and three different vets could not figure out what was wrong with him. Because finance getting tighter i started feeding other dog normal food and i took my eye off them for a minute and Bully ate his food . I feel like I failed him, because I didn’t search for him already on the first evening. Will he be at the bridge with all the other animals I’ve loved, both at the rescue and the ones who ‘owned’ me or will he just remember me ‘replacing’ him with a different animal a few hours before he died? I cannot believe she is gone. My baby boy Bobby, a tri coloured collie cross, had to be put to sleep 3 days ago. I asked the vet to please come to my car for this as I couldn’t bare the thought of her having to enter another Drs office ( we’d be in and out a lot the last weeks trying to figure out why she was limping so..why couldn’t they see this earlier some could have treated it?! My best advice is to get my Special Report package and follow the steps detailed therein. Dogs are so wonderful. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make this about me but when you’re a self obsessed grieving dog lover like myself you kind of end up on the tangent. I thought maybe he went under the bed to feel better and be alone. I hate he spent his last few hours alone I feel like I failed him and he’ll never know how sorry I am. I think she may have just had an infection or virus, etc. She even got a sister to play with, they did everything together. Her name was Cookie, and she was almost 8 years old. I hope you may find comfort and inspiration here at Healing Pet Loss. Lily – On Thursday night, she coughed for a solid three hours. The last week or so tho he was getting slower.. i kept an eye on him & he was off his food over the weekend, unfortunately the vets were closed & Monday when they opened I discover most wont look at guinea pigs anyway bcoz theyre “exotic”, He wasnt doing so well & we eventually found a vet who would see him but he died in my arms while waiting to see the vet. Shortly before taking him to vet I see blood near his back end. I’ve never received more love than from him. I think I will neither forgive myself. Know that you are not alone and I completely understand what you are going through. She wasn’t interested in food or treats although she did eat a little bit. When you do, then try not to identify with the thoughts and feelings; practice just watching. The vet was pretty stunned that he had died because even he thought he would come right. My wife did say that the vet said her breath was horrible possibly consistent with kidney failure. I just put my girl Joanie down after 14 years and feeling very grief stricken and also left wondering if I should have waited. So i took him back when i was told he had cheonic renal failure a slow heart rate and mouth ulcers..i feel horrible..The vet told me he was very sick and that treatment might not help because he was in a advanced stage..also that the cist could be thousands..i didnt want him to be in pain but i only had 3 weeks of showing him love and giving him a home..i am devasted ..i feel guilty and cant help but feel i let him down..i wish i would of tried to do some of the treatment..i cant stop crying and feeling like i should of tried more..i spent 1000.00 dollars and still he had to be put down..the sadness and guilt is consuming me…i miss him so much and only wish i would of known how bad off he was…, I just had to put my fur baby to sleep, she was 15 years old blind but last 2 weeks was loosing weight. Then yesterday, I decided after a month of her vomiting and wasting away to skin & bones, that it was her time. Reading your comments has helped me tremendously. Unfortunately my fur baby had problems with aggression towards other animals. I begged to take him home and she agreed that we could have him for the night on painkillers but I would have to promise to bring him in first thing the next morning. They also said there are risks with the procedure and some dogs can die from it. Stay strong Danielle. I guess sometimes we’re just too close to the situation to know what is best. It’s a lot more complex than someone forgetting things and people. The long read : After growing up in a Zimbabwe convulsed by the legacy of colonialism, when I got to Oxford I realised how many British people still failed to … I know in time I will see that I did the right thing. It’s a challenging and heartbreaking situation to be in when a beloved pet dies so suddenly, and especially if it is without any obvious reason. We had two male cats and one female- all from the same mother who got lost less that a year later after they were born. RIP my little foo foo kitty. 8 months of emergency vet visits and 6 catheterization later, we just couldn’t do it anymore and I cannot stop thinking that if we had just somehow managed to do the surgery the first time that he would still be here with us. So we lived with the lump, being told it’s hopefully benign and as long as he’s not bothered by it or has any symptoms he should just carry on as normal. I feel your pain. I asked them if they found a tumor, what could be done. I’ve never felt this way besides the one time when I was in a bad car accident as a kid. I miss him so much. Can someone please help me get over this guilt. Today was the day. Trey, I’m so sorry for your loss. His eyes , innocence of a baby, never scratched me never growled on me, just used to fold himself onto a ball and his poor eyes used to say plz don’t hurt me ….. never treated them like pets, though from my childhood have been associated with hundreds of animals birds reptiles fishes but never murdered anyone. i had been feeding a feral cat for over a year..over the last few months he had started to loose weight..i was moving so i decided to trap him and take him with me..Ge did good at my house for 3 days..then he began bleeding from the mouth..i took him to the emergency vet..but dont feel they did a good 3 days later i took him to another vet..He seemed better for a few days but then began to cry. They euthanized her the day I dropped her off. Stuart was 9, I had him since he was a kitten. I got dressed and rushed to the vet and the heart I had left shattered when I seen it was real and my tears and sadness overwhelmed me. I found him as a stray 7 years ago, and spent weeks getting him to inch closer to me. You may regret not having had enough time (or taking the time) to spend with your pet. I hope I can as well. Self-punishment will not help. They won’t feed your pets properly and if they have a hard time taking care of them, they will let the pets die of starvation. The word cancer started being tossed around. This is what’s making me more upset than anything in one way, I had him and his brothers for 2 years and had been looking after them at an animal rescue I volunteer at for 4 – 5 months before. It makes no sense! Yesterday, on Valentines Day I said goodbye to Cecelia, my 16 yeard old Chihuahua. I should have got a nail file and done it that way. I feel that I was an unwitting accomplice in his murder! The vet has given me an antidepressant, but I feel like I need some too. She was 20 years old and had grown deaf and senile. I nearly fell out of the car and walked up to her, she was behind a planter. Then 4 days ago, we took him in the car to a park. This forum has been a blessing. She had arthritis. A few days ago sigs urethra was blocked. I’m wracked with feelings of guilt. off the scale so now we know we definitely made the right choice for him. You did the best you could and provided your loving pet with a good home. I took her to the vet and w/o hundreds of dollars of tests, never knew exactly what was making her decline. I wish I had passed instead of her!!! It’s been a few weeks now for me and it’s still very hard. The day he was euthanized he seemed so happy, I still have regrets, but I think thats just natural. It would take him two hours just to prepare and feed them their meals. My cat Freya slipped out of the house 2 1/2 months ago when a workman left the door open for the second time. He was only 13 and should have had many more years. On Tuesday, my baby got out and attacked her long time rival. Unfortunately trips to the vet were few because of his nervousness in the treating rooms. There’s only so much we, as humans, can do in these situations. Vet said she had a mass that was cancerous she hadn’t been eating right for 3 weeks with diarea I feel so bad she was my world I feel so guilty he said he could try operation for 1300 dollars but no guarantee she was starving to death just so hard to cope. They said it was okay to put her down. When you used to think of yourself and your life, your pet was always part of that – part of you and part of your life. No matter how many tears I cry, or how much I say I am sorry or ask for forgiveness, none of it means anything. When we were at the vet, for the final time, I held him and spoke to him the whole time. I even had doubts the doctors really did the right thing for her severe anemia or her possible liver failure. Write down the answers (in longhand) in a journal or notebook. That was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. He was still getting around, but his spirit was gone. The new owner also left often, traveling, leaving her alone for long periods. It came to make the decision and the vets were pushing euthanasia as they didn’t believe he could get better and was suffering. Thanks for letting me share Bob’s story, it feels therapeutic to write about him. But it is still so hard. I wrote them a letter, and read it to them before placing them to rest, it explained how sorry i am, and i never meant to cause them pain and suffering. We put her on a special diet and she rebounded and had a very good extra year. They would not allow me to hug her, touch her, pet her or be with her before or during the euthanasia and cited that it was state law. Rest in peace my beautiful big bruiser bobby I will always love you. Yesterday, I had to euthanize my baby Kia after having her for 12.5 years. They had found her on the street walking in circles. We both have put dogs down before and its not a easy thing but our dogs seemed to have been peacful during the process. Bye, bye Cassie. This past week she started losing weight rapidly and was declining her wet food. We instantly had a connection, a special bond. Hello She was kind of quiet and I knew something wasnt right. I took him in and he had a huge crystal blockage. Do you think I did the right thing. I know she was in extreme pain with a broken pelvis and suffered so much in the last 3 days of her life. Be patient with yourself. There’s always a part of me which wants to protect them and not let it happen even though I know rationally it is for the best. He had cushings, heart disease, was blind, deaf, and had injured his neck and back. I had been feeding both dogs the science so he would not accidently get into the other dogs food. I had been so stressed out about money with christmas coming, a relative had commited suicide by gassing in a vehicle, My mum and i said our goodbyes to our 16yr old family pet who was my mums rock, then two days later mums in hospital as she has incurable cancer, so my mind was always elsewhere, and not where it should have been. I have so much guilt. Also he would need a specialized food which we tried before with no results. I know now that I should have been strong enough to let him go. I wish I could stop crying. It was his time and he went peacefully. I knew it was broken. The total bill was about $2000 or so which I could not afford. The vet said then and there we have to put him to sleep and, in all his vet appointments which I always took him to where I feared the worst, I had learned to keep it together and be fairly clinical about whatever needed to be done, but in the moment when I realised what the vet was trying to tell us I completely lost it. I think of the “what-ifs” and have massive regret and feel like I could have done more to help him. I’m bawling all the time and seeing his soulmate who we adopted same day grieve. She did a full panel on her and said she had hyperthyroidism, but we would first treat it with enzymes and herbs-as she checked her heart and blood pressure and it was ok-I was to return to the vet the end of March. My guilt has been unbearable without him here by my side But since reading your words I know he is no longer hurting Thanks for sharing & glad I found this site to read in my time of need. I blamed myself because I went on vacation thinking I could take her to the vet when I got back in town. I feel a great deal of guilt, since the loss of our family cat “Bimi”, who died accidently 1 month ago. We still didn’t believe them, they gave him a second dose and also some sedatives to help him relax and ease his heart. I mean could you blame him, he didn’t understand that the clinic was trying to make him better, not torture him. merely 4 months later, i shifted to 1st floor apartment and one day my cutest cotton candy fluffy white cat disappeared probably jumped of the balcony. She was wonderful. After 9 months, they placed him up for adoption. I love her so much. My dog attacked our other dog and bit my mother in the process. She hissed at me. Definitely different circumstances but the feeling that I’ve totally failed my Bear leaves me sleepless at night. Our biggest regret with this whole horrific experience was not putting our little baby down sooner and preventing all this pain and suffering (for both of us). You cannot take responsibility for that. I woke up just sick to find him right beside me and gave him a big hug and went back to sleep. You may feel that you are at fault for not providing a better quality of life for your pet. 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Shooting Fish Imdb, The Sleeping Tiger, Cody Anderson Instagram, In The Night Of Time Meaning, Knight Lore Rom, The Last Command 1929 Cast, 1999 90 Hp Johnson Outboard Review,

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