Schedule Your Wix Blog Post & How Often

I have just finished typing my post. I am about to hit the publish button. But wait a minute!

I published a lot today. Also this post needs one more revision. I better schedule publishing it in three days so that I don’t forget. How do I do it in Wix? If you have the same question, you will find my answer below.

1. How to schedule a blog post

Scheduling a post in Wix is easy and straightforward. The five step instruction below will teach you how to do it.

Steps to schedule a blog post

  1. Click Edit button on unpublished post
  2. Click the dropdown button next to Publish button
  3. Click Schedule Post
  4. Select the publishing date and time
  5. Click Schedule button
Steps to schedule a blog post

2. How often should you publish your blog post?

In the process of scheduling a post, you will have to pick a date on the calendar. Which date should you pick? Many bloggers have asked that question. And the answer is.

There is no blog posting schedule that fits all. Simply because each blogger has a different life and a different goal. But there are a few suggestions to help you decide.

2.1. Do you want to get more organic traffic?

If this is your primary goal, then schedule blog posts as aggressively as you can. Or you hit that Publish button now. If you have hundreds of unpublished articles, publish all of them at this moment. Don’t wait.

The reason is that it takes months to rank your posts on Google. Any delay in publishing will lengthen the endless waiting period. You don’t want to feel discouraged. Publish now to see your success comes sooner.

Also, you can only share your published posts on forum, social media. Obviously, if you intend to get any traffic from there, you must publish posts as soon as possible.

2.2. How long does it take you to create a good post?

I advise you to publish aggressively in the above section. But only at the speed that you don’t sacrifice the quality for the quantity. 

If you need three days to write a good blog post, then publish your post once every three days. Don’t feel guilty about it. Don’t compare yourself to the guys who publish five times a day. Because only good blog posts can bring you traffic, and sales. Trashy posts repel your visitors.

2.3. Are your posts part of your email marketing automation?

A few clients of mine set up their systems so that an email is sent out to their subscribers whenever they publish a post. One time, they had about ten posts ready to be published. Then they hit that publish button. Ten emails immediately went into the subscribers’ inbox. 

What a disaster! Many subscribers unsubscribed because they thought they were spammed. And many of those emails were blocked. 

So don’t repeat the same mistake. If you have the same email automation setup, spread out your publishing schedule so that your subscribers have time to enjoy your content, and don’t feel overloaded with your emails.


Scheduling blog posts on Wix is easy. It is harder to decide how often you publish your blog posts. There are a few factors that help you decide. If you still have no clue, simply pick the schedule you can stick with. Then adjust it gradually until you find the right schedule.

Check out other articles for more helpful content.

Tech Wizard

Passionate full-time web designer and programmer. Find beauty in simplicity and efficiency.