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doctor who jack robertson

When the TARDIS was refuelled, they stopped off at Raxacoricofallapatorius to return her home. (COMIC: Weapons of Past Destruction), Visiting the Eye of Orion, Jack, Rose and the Doctor found a giant ziggurat and the Hanging Gardens of Slarvia, which had been destroyed centuries before. (COMIC: World Without End). He is frequently seen arguing with Jameson (usually aided by Ben Urich), though it rarely ends up in shouting, as it does in Earth-616. After having sex with NJ he told Neil to shut him down but this didn't work. (TV: Day One), As Gwen was a "beat cop", and untrained in firearms, Jack trained her to protect herself. He told no one of the murder he witnessed. (TV: Revolution of the Daleks), After becoming a companion of the Ninth Doctor, Jack retained a great loyalty to the Doctor as a whole, aiding the Doctor's various incarnations as much as he could. Jack saw Owen mercy kill the creature and felt sorry for it. He is killed by the Brood-infested Christopher Summers (the father of Scott, Alex and Gabriel Summers). (TV: Utopia), Shortly before his regeneration began, the Twelfth Doctor dreamt of Jack saying his name. Before he was destroyed, the Ghostmaker threw the flask containing the breaths and all but one of the victims died. (TV: Exit Wounds) Later, when the Doctor, Rose, and Jack arrived in Cardiff prior to the Blaidd Drwg power station incident, they were only feet away from the Torchwood Three Hub where the older Jack was based and the cryogenically frozen Jack awaited resurrection. Together, they captured Blon, the sole Slitheen survivor of a prior attack on 10 Downing Street who had become Lord Mayor. Jack resurrected and the rest of his team learnt of his immortality. (TV: Immortal Sins, End of Days) Rhys Williams also punched Jack to the ground. Jack, Gwen, Ianto and Rhys retaliated by persuading Lois Habiba to collect incriminating evidence against the entire Cabinet regarding the new terms, then threatening full disclosure unless Torchwood was allowed access to the 456. (TV: The End of Time), Their evening was soon interrupted as the space station they were on was attacked by the forces of Mother Nothing, a giant cannibal beetle that sought its diamond engine. Jack asked for a Coke, but was poisoned with arsenic by corrupt CIA agent Lyn Peterfield. STANDARD FRAME. Jack, despite being from the future and having had experiences with the Doctor, had no idea what the Blessing really was. However, when Tombstone attacks an interfering Spider-Man, Robbie regains his nerve and saves him. Yaz gave the signal and after introducing himself, Jack teleported them out as the Daleks fired. After being "dumped" by the crew of the Ice Maiden, (AUDIO: Aliens & Sex & Chips & Gravy) Jack resumed his work with Gwen at Torchwood. Jack decided he couldn’t do this alone and rejoined Torchwood. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. The Ninth Doctor, Jack and Rose fought on the Cyber-Earth in 2006, rescuing Jackie Tyler. Appearances: After he was shot and killed by a Dalek, Jack was revived by Rose Tyler, who at the time was transformed into a nearly omnipotent being. Thirteenth Doctor, the Imprisoned. (COMIC: Hell House), In 1906, Jack set up a bank account, the interest of which would lead to a small fortune by 2011. Finding pieces of space junk and directing them to the soon-to-be disaster sites, Jack would sell them to passers-by, then allow the items to be destroyed before the buyers could pick up their merchandise. Jack and John parted ways on better terms, with John travelling the world of the 21st century, determined to find out why Jack found the time period so interesting. He is the first male companion to kiss the Doctor in a televised story. Awaking in his pod, Jack, presuming Alonso dead, was enraged to know he sacrificed himself in vain only to learn that he had managed to repair a pod for himself and survive. He was saved by Rex and Gwen with the help of Dr Vera Juarez via phone call. (AUDIO: See No Evil), Believing Mr Colchester to be a ghost, Jack returned to the Hub unaware that the blue light had latched onto him and was giving waking nightmares to those disconnected from him, namely Yvonne, Tyler and Mr Colchester. (TV: Captain Jack Harkness), In 5094, Javic won the Rear of the Year award. He revived in a room with Norton Folgate, whom he blamed for what happened. (TV: Everything Changes, Day One) Gwen ultimately chose her boyfriend Rhys Williams, whom she later married. Disabling the signal, the Doctor was horrified to find two hundred Dalek battleships. ), In 1918, Gerald Carter and Harriet Derbyshire brought in Tommy Brockless to be put in suspended animation and use him as a key to fix time shifts happening then and in the 21st century. On board the Master's airship, the Valiant, the Doctor discovered his TARDIS had been turned into a paradox machine. Oswald explained to Jack that he had stolen Jilly Kitzinger's laptop. Jack learnt what Wilson thought he had made it all up, though Jack knew some of it was true. (TV: To the Last Man, Utopia), In 1914, during the Christmas truce, Jack was recovering in a hospital after surviving a bullet to the head. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Two), A covert ops team conveyed Jack's scattered remains to a holding facility, where he slowly regenerated his body and returned to life. Robbie and Tombstone fall out of the escape helicopter and land in a river near an Amish farm. Colin kissed Jack, whereupon Mr Colchester appeared and asked Jack what he was doing. Left with nothing to do but wait for a full century until his version of the Doctor coincided with his timeline, Jack reconsidered Torchwood's offer and began working for them and awaiting the Doctor's return. (AUDIO: The Torchwood Archive), Jack was present in the Hub on 26 March 2005 when it was temporarily frozen in a time bubble for a day by Torchwood One's Rajesh Singh so that director Yvonne Hartman could procure a Drahvin scanner from the Hub unhindered. Ianto refused to let Jack sacrifice himself to seal the Rift and tricked him into leaving. Jack was saved by Ng and he later saved Mr Colchester from drowning. Alice Carter, Junior An important facet of Jack's existence on Earth was its temporal complexity. Jack returned to Torchwood and the team, while they were on a mission, saving the life of a woman being menaced by a Blowfish. At some point after Torchwood One destroyed the Sycorax ship in 2006 under orders from Prime Minister Harriet Jones, (TV: The Christmas Invasion) Jack obtained a severed hand that had fallen from the Sycorax craft and which was identified as having belonged to the Tenth Doctor. Yaz, Graham and Ryan revealed that they were dealing with a Dalek threat and the group tried to figure it out with Jack explaining his immortality and how the Daleks had once killed him a long time before. As John had nothing left to live for, he committed suicide. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Four). [4], Joseph Robertson was born in Harlem. (TV: Utopia) He kept the hand in a portable container in Torchwood Three's nerve centre, the Hub, and treated it as a prized possession, much to the occasional consternation of his colleagues. Ianto gave Gwen a GPS that pointed her towards Flat Holm and she found Jonah was inside, forty years older. Hart admitted to having been "a good wife", closing an argument between the two as to the details of the relationship. There was one major catch: in order for it to work, the wave needed to be channelled through one child, for whom the force of the transmission would be deadly. (TV: A Day in the Death), Gwen was impregnated by a Nostrovite Jack had killed. (TV: Something Borrowed) Jack had also recruited Ianto Jones, with whom he developed a romantic relationship. She would have to hand over Jack if she wanted to see her family again. (TV: Fragments), Jack's activities at the time of the Blaidd Drwg incident in Cardiff in September 2006, which involved Jack's younger, mortal self, (TV: Boom Town) included keeping the entire Torchwood team on lockdown in the Hub, to prevent them from seeing his younger self, and vice versa. Robbie, though disapproving, decides to stay, hoping Bennet will get better. [3] He is more friendly and supportive of Peter Parker as well as the other Daily Bugle staffers than the brash Jameson. (TV: Last of the Time Lords), Due to Jack's immortality and time travel, there were occasions in which several Jacks existed on Earth at the same time. He showed her around the Hub, then laced a drink with retcon to make her forget about everything. science fiction convention) statements, producer Julie Gardner, John Barrowman and David Tennant have all gone on record as saying that Jack is the Face of Boe. Jack Harkness as a companion of the Sixth Doctor. In the void, Jack saw what future would come if the Doctor wasn't around and the Unon was in charge of time. (TV: Immortal Sins). (AUDIO: Red Skies) After this, Jack then returned to Cardiff to assist Andy Davidson solve the mystery of Mr Invincible. DOCTOR WHO: WORLDS APART GAME. He often told anecdotes about his sex life, but no one knew how many were real, however since he was a successful flirt, it is likely a lot of his tales were true. This motivates Jameson to initiate "Project: Human Fly", an attempt to create a government controlled superhero. Despite Ianto’s requests for him to stay away, he followed him when the barmaid Mandy took him to meet the Saviour. (TV: The Stolen Earth), Jack is killed by the Supreme Dalek. (AUDIO: The Dead Line), After Rhys' uncle, Bryn Williams died, Torchwood Three investigated mysterious power cuts and Miss Carew. (TV: Boom Town), Afterwards, they visited Arkannis Major in 2775, where Jack was committed to an asylum for telling fictional stories. Disgusted at Jameson's disregard of all the times that Peter has saved his life as Spider-Man, Robbie angrily quits the Bugle and walks off with Gwen, assuring her that they will do all that they can to help Peter. (AUDIO: Lost Souls), Later, when the Earth was relocated by the Daleks to the Medusa Cascade, Harriet Jones, a former Prime Minister and acquaintance of the Tenth Doctor, contacted Torchwood and other allies of the Doctor via the Sub-Wave Network. Doctor at Sea is a 1955 British comedy film, directed by Ralph Thomas, produced by Betty E. Box, and based on Richard Gordon's 1953 novel of the same name.This was the second of seven films in the Doctor series, following the hugely popular Doctor in the House from the previous year. At the dawn of the 2010s, the 456 returned to Earth. After Adam thwarted the Master's plot to destroy the universe at the cost of his life, all the Doctors and their companions oversaw his memorial before taking their leave. (COMIC: World Without End). Ianto then regretted his decision and went to retrieve him from the camp. (AUDIO: The Empty Hand) Yvonne Hartman arrived at the Hub afterwards and exposed him, also framing him for helping Red Doors place glitterbombs around the city. (TV: Revolution of the Daleks), Like other men in the 51st century, Jack possessed evolved human pheromones which made him naturally nice-smelling and attractive to others. The Doctor called the attention of the Unon but attracted the Lect who attacked one another, and which subsequently led to the emergency protocol being triggered, dissipating the time bubble protecting Fluren's World. [5] He soon realizes that is not going to happen, particularly after learning the DB was indirectly responsible for the death of several people shown on their paper from one of their scandals[6] and resigns. (TV: Utopia) During the war, he met Estelle Cole. (TV: End of the Road), Jack spent the next two months with Esther, ending up in Scotland. He was shown to greatly dislike being reminded of his past, such as his desperation to remove Captain John Hart from his life as he was a reminder of his past. He reasoned that the entire thing was Ianto's responsibility and even threatened to kill them both if he didn't do it, causing Ianto to say "You like to think you're a hero, but you're the biggest monster of all". Given as a stage name for when he was undercover looking for the ". (AUDIO: Future Pain), Jack convinced to Jo Jones to come with him to Llanfairfach to investigate Proper Grub. (AUDIO: The Torchwood Archive), In 1902, Jack investigated strange visions at Ravenhall Manor, a Gothic 18th century house. (TV: Everything Changes), Jack's most significant possession was his vortex manipulator, a device from his life as a Time Agent that often functioned as Jack's version of the Doctor's sonic screwdriver. The next day, Jack revealed himself and used a device the surrounded them in a bubble of frozen time to race himself and the Doctor to a hidden compartment in another cell containing his repaired vortex manipulator. There, they fought off assassins. He was a companion of the Ninth and Tenth Doctors, and an associate of the Thirteenth Doctor. (TV: Immortal Sins), The next year, after Angelo got out of jail, Jack returned claiming that he had only been playing dead. They raced to save Rose from The Weakest Link hosted by a deadly Anne Droid; they were unsuccessful in preventing the Anne Droid from seemingly killing Rose. A family member revealed that mortal blood would need to be put into the Blessing from both ends to reverse the Miracle. He later met with NJ who tried to seduce him and succeeded. (TV: Last of the Time Lords), Info from Something in the Water, Trace Memory, The Twilight Streets, Everyone Says Hello, Pack Animals, SkyPoint & In the Shadows needs to be added. Whilst in Cardiff, Jack met Rose's estranged boyfriend, Mickey Smith. Rex resurrected, having somehow gained Jack's immortality. (TV: Utopia) On witnessing Martha's obvious unrequited love for the Doctor, Jack commented, "You, too, huh?" After Arnora was killed by the Lect, the Doctor, unable to stop the overloading entropy engine, took as many Unon as he could to another world so they could start again. (PROSE: The Twilight Streets) Other mentions included acrobatic twins and the possibility of relationships with other coworkers and acquaintances, such as Duchess Eleanor. Just as she fell, he rescued her and took her aboard his ship. Using the TARDIS, he discovered the laser that "killed" the games' losers was actually teleporting them across space. He said goodbye to his friend as she left with Rhys. When he returned to Earth, Jack seemed to be a shadow of his old self because he had lost so many people he cared about, although he had recovered enough to stay on Earth in order to defend it. After Lyn's neck was broken and the guards knocked out, the three boarded the car of Rex's fellow ex-agent, Esther. The two stayed in a room in New York together and had sex. In 1927, Jack went to New York City on a mission to stop the Trickster's Brigade from infecting President Roosevelt's brain with a parasite. Jack blasted the Supreme Dalek again, this time successfully destroying it. He used Torchwood technology to siphon energy off him, and used it to extend his life. (, Jack related to a captive that he had experience in torturing prisoners, and that, "a long time ago", he had "quite a reputation as the go-to guy" in the event of needing to force information out of a person. (AUDIO: A Mother's Son), Jack approached Yvonne outside of the Disaster Recovery Committee building and fled from a security guard with her to a "crappy car" that he said would let them sit unnoticed. The Doctor often told him to stop and Jack would often reply, "I'm just saying hello". Robbie receives a pardon for his efforts to protect the Amish family, and resumes work at the Daily Bugle. (AUDIO: The Year After I Died), Eventually, Jack used the vortex manipulator in his Time Agency wrist strap to return to Cardiff, the site of an active space-time rift. Before Ianto died for the second time, though, the two finally confessed their love to each other. Captain John told Torchwood that they contained radioactive bombs. (, Jack implied that he was present at the extinction of the, Jack worked as an enabler for the Committee on, Jack Harkness' first name was originally "Jax", in. The House of the so-called `` Miracle Day '', an advance guard of cell 114 already... 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