Retain Traffic With Wix Blog Email Automation

Watching the page view number increasing everyday is exciting. But those visitors come and go. Many bloggers like you start to think, “How to get their contact emails?”. So later on, when you publish a new post, you send out an email notification to let them know. And bring some traffic to your new post.

The very first thing you need is a blog subscribe form. The form will submit the visitors’ emails to your subscriber list. You will perform two tasks to set up this form. The first task is to add a Wix Blog subscribe form to your blog. The second one is to automate sending a thank you email to each new subscriber.

The second process is to notify your subscribers about a new blog post whenever you publish it. In Wix you do so by setting up an email campaign. 

Having those two processes in place, you are all set to build a list of subscribers and maintain a relationship with them for a long time, with little effort.

1. Create Wix blog subscribe form

Adding a subscribe form in Wix is super easy. I know you love the easy stuff. The subscribe form is a built-in component of Wix. Your job is to add it to your website. 

Steps to create Wix blog subscribe form

  1. Click + Add icon
  2. Click Contact Forms
  3. Click Subscribe
  4. Click a subscribe form of your liking
Steps to create Wix blog subscribe form

2. Automate sending Thank You email to new blog subscribers

After the visitors subscribe, you want to send them a thank you email. The thank you email serves two purposes. First, it confirms that the users successfully subscribe to your blog. Second, it helps verify the visitors’ emails are valid.

Also, you can use the Thank you email to give your subscribers some freebies. A great way to make them excited, and love you more. 

Steps to automate sending out Thank You email

  1. Click Form Settings button
  2. Click Automations
  3. Click Create under Send a thank you email
Steps to automate sending out Thank You email

3. Change Thank You email content

Wix gives you a template for Thank you email. You can use it immediately. However, if you think the wording or the look of the email doesn’t fit your brand, you can change it. Wonder how? The instruction below will show you.

Steps to change Thank You email content

  1. Click Edit on the Action
  2. Click Edit Template button
  3. Enter From Name and Reply-to Email
  4. Click Save and verify your email
  5. Click Edit Template button again
Steps to change Thank You email content

4. Display Contacts and Subscribers

The setup of subscribe form is complete at this point. If you have any subscribers, you will see them in your contact list. Let me show you how to navigate to your contact list below.

Steps to display contact list in Wix

  1. Navigate to your website Dashboard
  2. Click Customer Management
  3. Click Contact List
Steps to display contact list in Wix

4.1. Contacts & Subscribers

If you look closely at the Last Activity column, you will see some individuals have contact status, and others have subscription status. So what is the difference between those two?

The contacts are people who contacted you through your website. For example, your visitors put their emails to the contact form on your site. Or you manually add people to your contact list. 

The subscriptions are people who subscribe to your blog or your newsletter through the subscribe form. Or anyone who agreed to receive newsletters or emails from your site.

Therefore, the major difference is that you can legally send newsletters or update emails to the subscription group, but you cannot do so for the contact group. This is very important.

5. Send email notifications to subscribers when you publish new posts

According to Wix, Wix blog has the ability to auto send out emails to subscribers when you publish a post. I tried it. I tested it. It has never worked for me. Even if it works, you cannot change the email content. Thus, this feature is completely useless.

The better way to do it is to set up a marketing campaign so that you can send out emails with your blog content. You have options to pick and choose when to send the emails. You can also change the email format and content.

This option gives you so much control. The earlier option can turn into a disaster if you publish your posts in batches. 

Assume you publish ten blog posts in one day, your subscribers receive ten emails from you in one day. They would feel annoyed. And their email spam filter would put your future emails to the spam folders.

Anyways if you want to learn how to email a blog post to your subscribers, the instruction below will teach you.

  1. Go to marketing & SEO
  2. Go to email marketing 
  3. Click Use Template button on Share a blog post template
  4. Add blog content and links
  5. Add the recipients
  6. Hit Publish & Send
  7. Change Subject Line
  8. Change From Name
  9. Change Reply-to Email
how to email a blog post to your subscribers

Once your notification email plan is completed (content and recipients are done), you can send the emails immediately or schedule when you want to send it. 

In case you are not sure how the email looks like, Wix gives you a “Send test email” link. Click the link to send a test email to your mailbox and have a look.

6. Change notification email content

The email template in Wix can be changed. If you are not happy with it, you can change it to satisfy your requirements.

Because you will publish a lot of blog posts, you will send out a lot of notification emails. Editing the email template every time is time consuming. Best way to do it is to create a template of your own. Then you reuse it every time.


So there you have it – An automatic system to retain traffic to your blog.

Whenever you publish a new blog post, you set up an email campaign to notify your subscribers. And bring some initial traffic to your blog. It makes Google love your post more.

Anyways, check out my other posts for more useful content. I hope you find the post useful.

Tech Wizard

Passionate full-time web designer and programmer. Find beauty in simplicity and efficiency.