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what are the problems faced by pakistan after independence

Be with us you will get more content like this. In the non-Muslim princely states, there were examples of state troops being used to support attacks on Muslims. 600,000 Muslims were said to be killed in 7 days! During the colonial period, most educational institutions were established in Kolkata at the expense of East Bengal. A) MDGs and Pakistan Bangla was naturally entitled to be the state language of East Pakistan, if not entire Pakistan. its not helpful,,,,these notes are just wastetage of times. A review of the education system of Pakistan suggests that there has been little change in Pakistan’s schools since 2010, when the 18th Amendment enshrined education as a fundamental human right in the constitution. This created a vast leadership vacuum in Pakistan – nobody seemed good enough to step in either one’s shoes. It was very difficult for me because my examed so near I search you your website and see your article We will try to publish a new article as you demand and we will let you know that URL. . The act was a violation of the basis that states be let to decide their future. As the table below shows, in divisions of the subcontinent’s assets. The creation of Pakistan started a new era of problems for Pakistan… but finally muslims were successful in getting their separate Homeland. Immediately after independence, Pakistan has to deal with a massive refugee problem: while 5.3 million Hindus fled from Punjab and Sindh into India, 5.9 million Muslims fled from India into West Pakistan. Initial Problems of Pakistan. India agreed to allow water from east Punjab to flow into West Punjab, but only if Pakistan agreed to try to find alternative wate4r supplies. These people had the worker to gain political influence under the British and had experience both of the election process and of holding political office. One of the major issues involved in partitioning the old British India was how to divide up the assets of the country. Unless they can cope up with reality the problems of Pakistan are going to persist and if they continue to bluff as if they are Arab breed, they will continue to be fanatics. A ceasefire was arranged and Kashmir was divided between India and Pakistan. Pakistan came into existence on 14th august 1947. The history of the two countries until ♦The author is Research Economist at the Applied Economics Research Centre, Karachi. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. F.P. In the last few decades of the colonial period, cholera, malaria and a number of other water-borne diseases affected a large section of the people of the region. On 14 August 1947, Pakistan became an independent country. Estimates of the death toll vary considerably, but it is likely that as many as a million men, women, and children died as a result of the violence or the rigors of the long journey. Even the minimal requirement of working central governmental machinery to run the affairs of a new country. am geologist by proffession i like your work. Your email address will not be published. This year new movies coming on and not stopping to surprise the viewers out... Parhlo.com is the leading open platform that represents the voice of youth with viral stories and believes in not just promoting Pakistani talent and entertainment but in liberating Pakistani youth and giving rise to young changemakers! The President said, “Pakistan gave a message of peace in […] It was agreed that the assets were to be divided in the ratio of 17 to India and 5 to Pakistan. But the Pakistani ruling clique ignored this reality and planned to Introduce Urdu as the state language of entire Pakistan. Karachi was named to be the capital of Pakistan. A newspaper clipping describing the situation after independence Equally disastrous was the economic situation. Also, 3.3 million Hindus fled East Bengal, and 1.3 million Muslims fled from India into East Bengal. All governments were headed to bring in former Indian officials who had opted for Pakistan. After Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah passed away due to his deteriorating health – all the burdens of the country fell on the shoulders of Liaquat Ali Khan – who gave us the Objective Resolution. Not only did it have to find a way to set up a new government in a country with limited resources, but it had to do so in the face of some of the most serious communal violence ever seen. When the boundary of the two nations was demarcated and announced in August 1947, things became even worse. Muslim regiments went to  Pakistan and non-Muslim to India. The first task before the newly born state was to form a government, and a cabinet of experienced people, with Muhammed Ali Jinnah as Governor-General and Liquate Ali Khan as Prime Minister, was formed. Pakistan had to build its administration from the start and officers were brought in specially from Delhi. the Northwest Frontier Province) was on the borders of the sub-continent and has not been linked to the industrialization that had taken place in central India. The major problems which pakistan faced when it was created in 1947 were :Refugee and Accommodation crisis = there was a large amount of refugees migrating from India and Pakistan didnt have sufficient resources to establish all of them.Geographical Problems = The 2 wings of Pakistan, EAST AND WEST, were two far apart. The newly established country ended up with few natural resources, little manufacturing capability and relatively little of the Raj’s old administrative-commercial infrastructure. The problem for Pakistan was that the flow of water through the canals and rivers was controlled at a series of headworks all of which lay in the part of Punjab the canals and rivers were controllers at a series of headworks all of which lay in the part of Punjab that was now in India. The two separate parts of Pakistan (East Bengal and West Pakistan) were separated by about a thousand miles of land that belonged to India. Although Pakistan was created to unite the Muslim population of the old British India, it did not have natural borders, such as rivers, mountains, or the sea. The percentage of economic assets in Pakistan after partition. Most of the problems of Pakistan were related with Pakistan dispute with India, such as the accession of the princely states, canal Water dispute, refugees' problems and distribution of armed and military assets. Most of the problems of Pakistan were related with Pakistan dispute with India, such as the accession of the princely states, canal Water dispute, refugees' problems and distribution of armed and military assets. In his last message to the nation on 14th August, 1948 he told the nation: “The foundation of your state have been laid and it is now for you to build and build as quickly as you can”. Issues. IssuesNumerous issues were dealt with in the 26 years till Pakistan got a unanimously accepted constitution. Bangla was the mother tongue of about 56 percent of the people of Pakistan. These were mostly of the highest rank, for this was where there were no Muslim officers at all. The Anti-State Actors could not see Pakistan prospering and Khan was shot dead. Although Pakistan was created to unite the Muslim population of the old British India, it did not have natural borders, such as rivers, mountains or the sea. But Pakistan was to face many more problems than India. Pakistan was not a wealthy country and its major activity, agriculture, did not produce a sufficient surplus to create the wealth needed for industrialization. The Pakistan government was convinced that the Indians had always planned to seize Kashmir. As many as 20 million people were made homeless, and both India and Pakistan faced enormous problems as huge numbers of refugees fled to them for safety. The capital of East Bengal. 1-Geographical Problem. The two separate parts of Pakistan (East Bengal and West Pakistan) were separated by about a thousand miles of land that belonged to India. In August 1947, Pakistan was faced with a number of problems, some immediate but others long term. This country was made after many sacrifices of blood, sweat and tears – and it is our moral duty to pay tribute to the efforts of every single Pakistani who made this country what it is today. When Pakistan came into being, it was a heterogeneous inception of different languages including Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi, Balochi and Pashto – along with Bengali. The country continues to face challenging problems including terrorism, poverty, illiteracy, corruption and political instability. And learn your topic and got A grade marks. The partition of the subcontinent cut across many rivers and canals. This was the largest state in the subcontinent and the fact that it had boundaries with Tibet, China, Afghanistan, and Russia gave it great strategic importance. In 1947, Pakistan finally gained its long for independence, but it immediately faced very serious problems. 4. Karachi received nearly tow million refugees in 1947alone. Terrorism due to War of Afghanistan damaged the country's economy and infrastructure to a great extent from 2001-09 but Pakistan is once again developing. Most of the three million people who died during the great famine of Bengal of 1943 were from the landless population. With the division of Punjab in a chronic manner, the Muslim majority areas fell to India – and the electricity of West Punjab was disrupted because all the power stations were at Mundi (an Indian area) – along with that, before the Indus Water Basin Treaty,  Pakistan was buying water from India because of the way the boundaries were commissioned. It is also true, however, that atrocities were carried out by Muslims as a tide of communal hatred swept across the subcontinent in late 1947. Pakistan came into existence on 14th august 1947. The exception to this was in the production of jute, where, in 1947, East Bengal produced nearly 70% of the world’s crop. Consequently, Pakistan had no factories capable of making military goods. Rainfall is not plentiful and so it relies upon litigation from a series of canals that draw water from the three main rivers in the area. (ii)The problem of the princely states. Up to 1947, when Pakistan achieved independence, both India and Pakistan were ruled as one country by the British. This led to the more orderly evacuation of refugees from one country to the other, but it did not completely end the violence. West Pakistan is a fertile country but has a hot and dry climate. Some moved willingly, taking as many of their possessions with them as they could. Pakistan, in particular, as a new and not wealthy country, did not have the necessary facilities to house millions of new citizens. In the aftermath of the pandemic hyped year, the business world’s scenario changed with some major... What’s happening? India refused to pay the rest, saying Pakistan would only use it to buy arms to fight against India. We proud of you. This referendum has not been held and the ‘Kashmir’ issue remains a major source of discontent between the two countries today. Thank you for sharing. Here are some cruel issues Pakistan faced after Independence from India in 1947. Armored divisions         6                      14, Artillery divisions          8                      40, Infantry                        8                      21. The British were, at first, reluctant to divide the armed forces but eventually, it was agreed that they should be split 36%: 44% between Pakistan and India. What the Indian government hoped was that by withholding the money, Pakistan would become bankrupt. Also, the division of military assets was unfair and Pakistan had to go with the flow instead of waging war from the weapons that were inevitably to be Pakistan’s. Approximately 5 million Muslims migrated from India to Pakistan. The Water problem was one that the new country had to address urgently. India inherited government buildings, furnishings, even officials from the British. This reflected the relative size and populations of the two countries. Most of the problems of Pakistan were related withPakistan dispute with India, such as the accession of the princely states, canal Water dispute, refugees' problems … (b) The … There were almost 500 princely states, each ruled by a Maharaja or a Nawab, and each of them had to be persuaded to join the new nation. Then war broke out over Kashmir. In 1947, some of them, particularly the Balochs and the Bengalis, were sure they now wanted to transfer allegiance to a new Pakistan. But as Pakistan faced almost immediate war with India over Kashmir, it needed the best army it could raise, no matter who was leading it. Under these conditions. The violence was sometimes orchestrated by the local authorities, and many Muslim historians believe that Hindus and Sikhs had an organized program for the massacre of Muslim refugees. Upon arrival, there were no offices so interim offices were set up in barracks and public buildings just to kick things off. History of Pakistan after Independence Early Governments and the Constitution of 1956 The first government of Pakistan was headed by Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan and it chose the seaport of Karāchi as its capital. It had no  resources and it had to build up administrative machinery from scratch. Pakistan lacked both the administrative and the governmental machinery to run the affairs of a new country. Soon later its establishment Pakistan faced diagram of problems. Pakistan faced a civil war and Indian military intervention in 1971 resulting in the secession of East Pakistan as the new country of Bangladesh. The euphoria of independence was short-lived as partition brought disastrous consequences in the wake of communal conflict. Where Is The Pakistani-American Doctor Who Promised To Return To ‘Naya Pakistan’? Pakistan could not accept this, so sent troops to help the Muslims in Kashmir. Around 90 % of the people lived in the countryside, and there were only 8 towns with a population of more than 100,000 (Karachi, Lahore, Dhaka, Hyderabad, Rawalpindi, Multan, Sialkot, and Peshawar). The three problems that the newly idependent nation of India faced are mentioned below: (i)The problem of the rehabilitation of 8 million refugees who had come into the country from newly born Pakistan. Some central and provincial departments were lodged in army barracks and others in private buildings. Jinnah, considered the founder of Pakistan and hailed as the Quaid-i-Azam (Great Leader), became head of state as governor-general. The armed forces personnel were given the freedom to opt for whichever country they wanted. It was unicameral legislation to be elected on the basis of parity between the two provinces. Soon after its establishment Pakistan faced number of problems. The division of assets between India and Pakistan was a significant issue, on the eve of independence between the two Dominions. In Pakistan, the assembly members were mostly wealthy landowners with little political experience. Learn how your comment data is processed. 2-Political Problem. Soon after its establishment Pakistan faced number of problems. After Independence Jinnah became Pakistan’s first governor-general. Partition also involved dividing of the assets of the Sub-continent. A big problem for the Pakistan army was that their army of 150,000 men needed 4,000 officers. Dr. Arif Alvi was addressing the main flag hoisting ceremony at the President House and wished 74th Independence Day to the nation. Post Independence Problems 1947 - 1953 Events, 1947 - 1958, Events Pakistan was carved out in desperate urgency. There were only 2,500 trained Muslim officers, as the British Indian army had favored Hindu officers. Same issues as Pakistan marks 70 years of independence Independence Day sees celebrations but analysts say country still faces problems dating back to 1947 14.08.2017 In 1948, there were only 211 doctors and 2,825 hospital beds in east Bengal. Please keep us informed like this. Your email address will not be published. Pakistan came into being as a free Muslim state in quite unfavorable conditions. 10 Cruel Issues Pakistan Had To Face Right After Independence In 1947, Ronaldo’s Anger To Turkey’s History-FIFA World Cup 2022 & No VAR, “RTX Back In Stock”-GameStop New Chapter & New Hardware, Villains Save The Day-Suicide Squad & James Gunn Get Together, Couple Trolled For ‘Next Level’ Intimate Post-Wedding Photoshoot – Pictures Go Viral On Social Media, Kashmala Tariq Ties The Knot – Here Are Some Exclusive Pictures From Her Wedding. One of the issues affecting the general well-being of the people was poverty. This was made worse by the fact that while over half the population of Pakistan lived in East Bengal, the majority of government and army leaders came from West Pakistan. In 1947, most of the 4 million inhabitants of Kashmir were Muslim, but the maharaja was Hindu. All 16 ordnance factories were in India, which refused to hand any over. It was only after Gandhi went on a hunger strike that a further 500 million rupees were paid. They did not want to see Pakistan become strong militarily, especially as they were fighting in Kashmir. Pakistan died not doing well. When the new nation of Pakistan emerged, There wer4e only a few district-level secondary schools. If you think Pakistan’s Independence was a piece of cake, well, you’ve got another thing coming for you. Copyright © [2020] [Bank of Info] | Powered by [Regal Solution]. In March 1948 Jinnah came on a tour to Dhaka. Soon after its establishmentPakistan faced number of problems. With the Bengalis storming the State still their main issue being the lingual bias of Pakistan, East Pakistan was on fire most of the time. If Pakistan stopped fighting and agreed that Kashmir should be an Indian possession, then the rest would be paid. As you will read in Section B, Jinnah did not realize that he unconsciously sowed the seed of dissension in Pakistan and paved the way for her future disintegration. Pakistan was a 5000 years old society and 150 years old nation when it came into existence as an independent nation- state on 14 th of August 1947 after the dissolution of British Indian Empire. Problems of access, quality, infrastructure and inequality of opportunity, remain endemic. The boundary commission set up under Sir Cyril Radcliffe proved to be a treacherous one for Pakistan. After Independence Pakistan had to face certain problems these problems were:. Jute export produced the major source of foreign exchange earnings for Pakistan for many years. Problems of Pakistan can only be solved by Pakistani's…….I suppose their biggest liability is their majority religion, followed by its Military. The Anti-Ahmedi riots lead Lahore into Pakistan’s first Martial Law. Thanks, Mirzanaeembaig for your interest. After pressure from Lord in Kashmir to determine the wishes of the people, once the situation has normalized. Most of the problems of Pakistan were related with Pakistan dispute with India, such as the accession of the princely states, canal Water dispute, refugees’ problems and distribution of armed and military assets. Lord Mountbatten’s influence and incline towards India helped as Gurdaspur, Ferozpur, Jullandar and Kashmir were sided with India – even though all these were Muslim majority areas. Guest6323. I’m satisfied that you just shared this useful information with us. Mr. Eman Hafeez, I found that you are from Pakistan and maybe that’s why you don’t like this content but this is the true history. 3-Economic Problem. In the years immediately before partition, there was widespread violence between the Muslim and non-Muslim communities across India. Both nations were also caught up in a number of conflicts involving the allocation of assets, demarcation of boundaries, equitable sharing of water resources, and control over Kashmir. But it faced many problems. Required fields are marked *. Upon dissection of Punjab, Hindu leaders influenced the Sikhs and made them wreak havoc upon poor Muslim families. Pakistan consisted of two wings, West-Pakistan and East-Pakistan. It was no doubt a heavy burden on the part of a new state. Most of the difficulties of Pakistan were related with Pakistan contest with India, such as the accession of the princely declares, canal Water contest, refugees' difficulties and distribution of armed and military assets. The British system of government had given these diverse people a very little opportunity to participate in government. Although Congress and the Muslim League called for calm, the summer of 1947 saw rioting which led to numerous deaths. Upon arrival, there were no offices so interim offices were set up in barracks and public buildings just to kick things off. However, Pakistan was angered that India retained the largest area of Kashmir, including the capital, Srinagar. Most of the difficulties of Pakistan were related with Pakistan contest with India, such as the accession of the princely declares, canal Water contest, refugees' difficulties and distribution of armed and military assets. Was faced with a seriously under-resourced military force but they had little else in common will... President said, “ Pakistan gave a message of peace in [ … ] initial problems of started! The Pakistan government was convinced that the Indians once again failed to to! Demarcated and announced in August 1947, Pakistan became an independent country of! 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