> yep. ♪ >> i think there is an enormous amount of respect, overseas, when he was elected. i think it affected him emotionally. >> certainly, during the iran contra affair, there were a lot of pictures that i made where he is agonizing over what he did or what he didn't do. and seeing what it's like on the inside of a presidency. there's still some lobbying to be done. or events like that. >> it was nonstop, every day, 24/7. i think that's why pete's images have triggered such emotion in people. you'll hear all about him today. >> the presidency is about a lot more than even just policy. comes up to me and he goes did you get that block? >> reporter: american history won't be the same again. throughout that day he had meetings in the situation room, and they had set up the communications link in a small conference room across from the big situation room. >> working at the white house as the first woman official photographer was a humbling experience. >> yeah, this white house. right after 9/11, a correspondent and i snuck into afghanistan just as the war was getting under way. when we went to nairobi and he gave a big speech, i got this picture of this guy writing down like the bullet points of what he was talking about. ♪ ♪, ♪ ♪ >> you know, if i go back to january 20th, 2017, i'm ready for the job to be done because, you know, it just takes so much out of you physically and mentally. it looks fishy to me. it was totally unexpected. i didn't have bullets flying over my head and i didn't have sharks coming at me from all directions so i had it easy compared to these two. you're given certain problems when you come in. ♪ stay with me, let's just be >> and you carry that with you. i didn't get interested in photography until i was in college. and what did you get, mike? they were inspired to act because of them. they had to ride in the limousine to the capitol together. >> how much joy do you get when you do it? do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. these are all white house staff out on the north lawn. pete would always tell me the stories of what happened on the road that day and when you go back, you are constantly reminded why you're working so hard. there was essentially nothing they could do to affect the outcome of what they were witnessing. that single image stands for so much more. birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own. comes up to me, and he goes, did you get that block? i was walking with president obama, and i said, that was cool when mccartney sang michelle. it was hoped that they would read more about the presidents who interested them the most. but i knew from looking at the president's face, the intensity of the decision he was making. you know, more than anyone, his. i never intended to be vocal in any way about what was going on. during my eight years as the chief official white house photographer for the obama administration, i documented all the important moments of his presidency. my mom was a nurse. >> seemed like forever. and my suggestion was watering the tree. which is not always the case, especially with politicians. >> 911. what's the location of your emergency? >> you did, huh? john brennan who at that time was the homeland security adviser was updating him throughout the morning and then finally came in and said 26 people had died including 20 grade school kids. >> so, can we go to the place i usually get the cherry tomatoes? >> an early health-care speech he was working on with john favreaux. >> they're still running. mr. president, just half a step this way. ♪ there is a light at the end of this road ♪ ♪ and i know that there's still a long way to go ♪ ♪ as long as my head is high and i walk with pride go with the, strength inside ♪ ♪ take every step in stride ♪ no chance will pass me by long as i always try ♪ ♪ won't let my passions die and as long as i'm alive ♪ ♪ the future belongs to me, oh, the future belongs to me ♪ ♪ and it's gonna be a beautiful thing to see ♪ >> america's always been two stories battling each other. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. >> the bill is passed. but, so, i didn't ever think of it as a conflict because it wasn't -- i wasn't a pr photographer. the starkest possible contrast. you know, they remember the marriage between barack and michelle obama. yes, they have greater anxieties but they're leading a life that has a daily ritual to it. the chicago tribune based in d.c. if somebody had told me that i would end up working for the most iconic republican president of our generation, and then the most iconic democrat president of our generation, i would have said they were crazy. i've never heard snoring. and their son, ben, who was 6 was shot and killed. unlike his predecessor, mr. trump does not allow his staff photographer free range to, capture behind-the-scenes photograph of life and work in the white house. >> well this is from the lips. every page looked like this. that was the challenge, for me, for my job for eight years. ♪ >> i view everything, now, through the lens of the presidency. but i want to tell you first how i -- how i got there. >> pete had walking pneumonia one time and he still came to work. but i knew from looking at the president's face, the intensity of the decision he was making. the rose garden's not good enough for you? rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. >> my wife and i are going to get tested for hiv/aids. and president obama makes a beeline towards me. as a husband. this is the wheeler family, francine and david. i wasn't with him every day. he had the kind of qualities, within him, where people -- people would relate to him. and word got out that he was in there. but i would say that those we the most difficult times. trivialized by having to respond to tweets, you know? i would have said they were crazy. and he realizes, now, the good work that his mom was doing. in some respects, i think it did a disservice not to show him in these true, authentic, behind-the-scenes moments, more than they did. i, in some ways, have ruined any chance that i have of being a working photojournalist again. i just said to gibbs, i said. it totally matters who's in the white house. the chevy price you pay, ...is what we pay. >> he really wanted to be a photographer, you know, and that's a really competitive field. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. for dust on my floors, i switch to sweeper. one time he went and we saw corey remsberg. >> one of the worst days of his presidency was the day of the sandy hook elementary school shootings in newtown. >> i want to speak directly to the young men and women of color in this country. >> yep. it customizes our home insurance so we only pay for what we need! cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last. we have two shovels. >> yes, the president, said that he knew what he signed up for. >> you know, i like the still photograph. [roar] whoa! >> can i get one kale bunch? and one night i saw a scene and i started to cry. i really felt that i was doing good work and people were seeing it. >> it was a beautiful, summery, warm morning. Great photographer, that in the end turned out to be great human being with a good sense of humor. they remember a certain speech he gave. like every morning, unlocked the door, turned on the television. i knew what i was doing. unlike his predecessor, mr. trump does not allow his staff photographer free range to capture behind the scenes. he walked in the room and he said, "we're going to have some fun." blow his cheeks as if he was unsure if he would be able to keep it together. but, events had a way of intervening, especially in the middle east. >> pete really wanted to be the guy who disappears and that's the gift when you're white house photographer is the president doesn't even know you're in the room. >> don't be -- when you report fake news, which cnn does a lot, you are the enemy of the people. obviously he was very intelligent but i think he also had the right temperament to become president. disrespects the office of the presidency. so what is it about this moment and this president that has changed you? but not too close for comfort. ♪ one of my favorite days was we had a big snow storm, it was called snowmegeddon and he ended up coming out for about two hours, it was just the three of them and me. and one night i saw a scene and i started to cry. in that spirit of giving, chevy's proud to give our employee discount to everyone. it doesn't matter. and then towards the end of the administration, president obama visited him in arizona at his new house. it was -- i filled the disk. # whether it's newtown or aurora or any of these places, pete was the only guy that was always in those rooms, you know. ♪ ♪ over the horizon ♪ smooth sailing >> i think there was an enormous amount of respect overseas when he was elected. he was the head of the presidential protective division of the secret service. he had the kind of qualities within him where people -- people would relate to him. >> no. what was he looking at? i know joe biden, so i'm voting for joe biden. and he'll tell you that the best day at the white house was the day that congress passed the affordable care act. >> yeah, i would never have done it -- i would never have done it if you know, jeb bush or john kasich or -- look, this is, this is not a partisan thing to me. >> when we went to kenya, he had this meeting with some ngos and word got out that he was in there. and i said, you just have not been paying attention. sorry about that. >> can you give us -- >> don't be rude. >> when he vocalized in that interview his support for same-sex marriage, that was a moment for me as well. you know, i always wondered what did pete souza get from president obama? robinhood believes now is the time to do money. it is a foundational relationship between human beings. to this day i have that same feeling. generationally he had more common in people that worked for him in their 20s than he did with probably the other senators in washington. somehow he survived, not drowning. >> sometimes there are days like this, when that slow, steady effort is rewarded with justice that arrives like a thunderbolt. i wanted the level of access that okamoto had to johnson. >> i think there's somebody. and you're blocking me off. it actually was.d me. >> thank you, guys. and then, beyond communication is the ability to control emotions, and to remain cool during difficult times. if there's a dog that crosses the street at 1:00, that has a potential to be the page-one photo. maybe some steps have been taken to get that solved. you could see him trying to decide, can i pull this off? b, i was really not the biggest fan of reagan. nation. this is the day i met him, the presence of my camera didn't bother him at all. well, talk about the bin laden raid, it was a very tense day. and i used to look at this book all the time. and now it's up to those special forces on the ground. >> congratulations to you. >> i thought so. 40 9/11s. and you always see the person in that position, behind the president or behind the first lady. and they need all of us right now. initial was standing next to him. always ready. and then, at the very end, in some ways, you have to have the self-confidence to create a team of people around you, who can criticize you, who can question your assumptions, who can argue with you. this book, for each administration, was updated subsequently. he was starting to walk with a walker. get in a taxi and come to the white house. and i think some words that were crossing my mind were leadership, character, and empathy. and this is jacob, and his mom said, mr. president, jacob has a question for you. totally dependent on the relationship that you have with the president. and von everett, one of the butlers who had been there since the reagan years, you can imagine what it was like for him to have been there for the first african-american president. don't just stand there. please! >> you know, i rank 99th out of 100 in seniority. it's like that never happens to me. my job was to make an edit of -- from 10,000 down to what would be about 50 pictures a week. in fact, subaru and our retailers will have proudly donated over two hundred million dollars to national and hometown charities through the subaru share the love event. TV Archive but i came to learn that the schedule was really just the starting point. god bless you. he called john in and they sat on this sofa for an hour and a half, and went over every change that he had made. i just didn't know it was called dropping or throwing shade. are they going to manage that stage or is the white house going to do that? >> no, please. i just thought it was dangerous. you could see the anxiety in michelle as she's trying to brush off some lint from the back of his jacket. >> american history won't be the same again. >> i think there's a lot of people doing a lot of great work. because you need to know your status. >> i always thought of you as fairly apolitical. you could sense the anger of, what was going on around him. With Pete Souza, Barack Obama, Ben Rhodes, Patti Lease. - i'm lea. we're related to them? and i'm like scrolling through, and i come to this picture. and of course he had been out of the white house for so many years and pete did that. and that, really, humanizes the president of the united states. and you don't see any high fives. The film offers an unprecedented look behind the scenes at two of the most iconic presidents in American History, Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan, as seen through the eyes of renowned White House photographer, Pete Souza… they were things that happened between events and moments that you couldn't ever predict. it stands for how kids will see themselves differently forever. my wife and i are going to get tested for hiv-aids. Pete Souza served as the Chief Official White House Photographer for the Obama presidency, and his work is the subject of the new documentary 'The Way I See It,' which premieres Friday night on MSNBC. alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. and i get chills thinking about it. i made that picture where the tower commission, after this many-month investigation, had concluded that, in fact, reagan had sold arms for hostages. i don't think a photojournalist is supposed to be opinionated. because giving, ...and giving back, is what the holidays are all about. but to me it really defines that whole scandal and how impactful it was on his presidency. The Way I See It is a documentary about former Chief Official White House Photographer Pete Souza. there's a tradition that the incoming president comes to the white house the morning before the inauguration for a reception. >> hey. tv The Way I See It MSNBC December 31, 2020 7:00pm-9:00pm PST . went in, unlocked the door, turned on the television. on January 1, 2021. during my eight years as the chief official white house photographer for the obama administration i documented all the important moments of his presidency. This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code). >> that bin laden photo is so powerful because nobody is posing. Directed by Dawn Porter. it's just to be sure. and helping them understand what it was like. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. i want you to know that you matter. if there was such a category, i would have been in the most unlikely to succeed. i saw a prevagen commercial and i thought, "that makes sense." >> thank you, sir. >> anytime i think a child comes back to his parents' grave, it. you can get it by ordering a free sim card online. it stands for how kids will see themselves differently forever. corey was thrown into a ravine. >> no. president obama invited the president-elect, just two days after the election, to the white house. >> you're on the front page of every paper this week, you're all over television. and then when sasha was dancing, he would turn and watch her. >> the photographs that i post on instagram now, and the words that i write, i think speak for themselves. yeah. Souza joins … >> five ways to -- >> photographer, sure. crisp and light percale sheets, to cool, supportive mattresses and plush pillow for your best nights sleep. >> the picture in the bottom right is right after they knew, they had killed bin laden. i knew what i was doing i just didn't know it was called dropping or throwing shade. so it became something that i felt i had to do. and yet there's hundreds of people working for him. you know, there'd be chatter, chatter, people commiserating. then when sasha was dancing, he would turn and watch her. not a cent more. Working with families as diverse as the Reagans and the Obamas, he helps us see the personal side of … i think that, in retrospect, is more than disappointing. >> can you give us a question? and i said, how old are you guys? and he started laughing and he was like, of course you can. the chevy price you pay, ...is what we pay. >> maliyah who had just gotten home from school was standing in the hallway, and he latched onto her and just would not let her go. no more heebie jeebies. 10pmET, 9PMCentral.⁣ ⁣ I will be doing a…” • See 2,551 photos and videos on their profile. you're in control from start to finish. >> yes, the president said that he knew what he signed up for, but it hurts anyways. i did not necessarily agree with some of the things that president reagan was doing. and it's a very special thing because it breaks down the idea that these people are somehow different from us. we're portuguese? >> for me it is constantly important to remind myself why i got into this business in the first place. this is the wheeler family, francine and david, and their son, ben, who was 6 was shot and killed. As Oficial White House Photographer, Souza … >> uh-huh. the stressful times. and i said, okay, i'll -- i'll be there tomorrow. was 6'6". he could not have stopped it, but he would have listened to the science early on. while we've achieved hard earned milestones in iraq, the situation in afghanistan is deteriorating. >> well, i think they want to do one standing. you don't see any high fives. ♪ the white house photo editor called me up one day out of the blue and said we want you to apply for this job. and then only a few hours later having to identify your child's body, who has been shot multiple times at close range. 24/7/365 for eight years anymore. dress rehearsal in the afternoon before flying up to newtown. i just thought it was dangerous. >> the more i've studied leaders in crisis times, whether it's lincoln or fdr or teddy roosevelt or lbj during the civil rights struggle they had almost like a family resemblance of leadership traits, the first one being humility, the ability to be able to acknowledge error and learn from your mistakes. one time he went and we saw corey remsberg, the guy he was. versus, people who don't want to give up power. there was a sense of relief. a, i was not really that into politics. and they never saw their mom for, like, two years. i mean, just the way people were hanging onto his every word. healthier brain. because, you know, it just takes out of you, physically and mentally. 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the way i see it pete souza msnbc

you always see the person in that position behind the president or behind the first lady. it's really on trump for not having a nationwide shutdown. in fact, subaru and our retailers will have proudly donated over two hundred million dollars to national and hometown charities through the subaru share the love event. >> i mean, i think he thought i was a competent photographer. and jacob is like, mr. president, my friends tell me that my haircut is just like yours and with that, president obama bent over and jacob touched his head, click, i got one photo and it was gone. i look at myself as a historian with a camera. and he will tell you that the best day at the white house was the day that congress passed the affordable care act. ♪ where did the time go ♪ you were just a little girl in my arms ♪ ♪ i can see you with my eyes closed ♪ ♪ there's a moment when our world was so calm ♪ ♪ princess in the kingdom ♪ i would gladly give away the throne to see you smile ♪ ♪ i wish that you would stay ♪ and although you have grown you'll always be my child ♪ ♪ snow angel ♪ i just want you to stay this way forever ♪. you've got the most powerful people and the executive branch of our government all gathering in this room at the same time. not true. not a cent more. and i said, okay, i want to do this book, shade. Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). should i speak the words or sing them? itself. >> tonight i can report to the american people and to the world that the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden, the leader of al qaeda. but there are families in connecticut who cannot do that tonight. because i knew the responsibility and the weight of that job and it made me understand how important it is to have the right person in that chair making those decisions. >> in the words of some younger people, they say you troll president trump. as soon as there is an outbreak, anywhere in the world, of any disease, the cdc is in communication with the world health organization and other multilateral agencies, to try to make sure that we've got an appropriate response. shooting in here. i mean, the speech was so exciting that i filled the disk. the last version of this, the cover photo, and have several photos of president obama inside the book. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. >> but, too, i think it tells you something about barack obama. so why haven't you gotten, married? so join the 2 million people who have switched to xfinity mobile. truth. side of the tree or what? and i didn't realize like the struggle. >> he will have to deal with the issue of only two years in the u.s. senate. they remember how the rooms that used to be only full of white men are suddenly full of people of different races and genders. clearly, i could see what he meant to the african-american community. he made reggie sign it, dear, mr. president, nice block, reggie love. on a new cozy bedroom and wake up on the right side of the bed this year. as time went on i was probably more aware of just trying to tell the story of what it meant for them to have -- you know, to have him up on stage. Pete Souza captures historic and intimate moments as a photographer for President Barack Obama and President Ronald Reagan. just one more. >> i love the book. >> i think he thought i was a competent photographer. >> hundreds swarmed to sfo today, citizens in shock of the speed in which president trump's executive orders are turning in to action. >> pete really wanted to be the guy who disappears. >> you know, i found him a good subject. they're still shooting. but if you get home and your "ooh" is more of a "hmm..." you have 100 days to change your mind. when i think of members of my own staff that are committed monogomous relationships, same-sex relationships, i think same-sex can couples should be able to be in committed relationships. i'm trying to make an argument that this is not who we are. snarky captions. wars are going to be there maybe that shouldn't have been fought or you wish hadn't been fought. president obama invited the president elect just two days after the election to the white house. it -- it wasn't anything that was ever said but i started noticing it. the ability to be able to acknowledge error, and learn from your mistakes. it was like, no, there was this broader force out there that is not going to let that happen. that was unprecedented. treat yourself to a new year of comfort and shop the new year sale with up to 15% off at casper.com, when i left the white house under reagan, it wasn't like i was that well known. that morning, i was like, okay, this is a good sign. at new chapter vitamins we've been busy too... innovating, sourcing organic ingredients, testing them and fermenting. you can see the nerves on everybody's face in that room. >> yep. ♪ >> i think there is an enormous amount of respect, overseas, when he was elected. i think it affected him emotionally. >> certainly, during the iran contra affair, there were a lot of pictures that i made where he is agonizing over what he did or what he didn't do. and seeing what it's like on the inside of a presidency. there's still some lobbying to be done. or events like that. >> it was nonstop, every day, 24/7. i think that's why pete's images have triggered such emotion in people. you'll hear all about him today. >> the presidency is about a lot more than even just policy. comes up to me and he goes did you get that block? >> reporter: american history won't be the same again. throughout that day he had meetings in the situation room, and they had set up the communications link in a small conference room across from the big situation room. >> working at the white house as the first woman official photographer was a humbling experience. >> yeah, this white house. right after 9/11, a correspondent and i snuck into afghanistan just as the war was getting under way. when we went to nairobi and he gave a big speech, i got this picture of this guy writing down like the bullet points of what he was talking about. ♪ ♪, ♪ ♪ >> you know, if i go back to january 20th, 2017, i'm ready for the job to be done because, you know, it just takes so much out of you physically and mentally. it looks fishy to me. it was totally unexpected. i didn't have bullets flying over my head and i didn't have sharks coming at me from all directions so i had it easy compared to these two. you're given certain problems when you come in. ♪ stay with me, let's just be >> and you carry that with you. i didn't get interested in photography until i was in college. and what did you get, mike? they were inspired to act because of them. they had to ride in the limousine to the capitol together. >> how much joy do you get when you do it? do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. these are all white house staff out on the north lawn. pete would always tell me the stories of what happened on the road that day and when you go back, you are constantly reminded why you're working so hard. there was essentially nothing they could do to affect the outcome of what they were witnessing. that single image stands for so much more. birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own. comes up to me, and he goes, did you get that block? i was walking with president obama, and i said, that was cool when mccartney sang michelle. it was hoped that they would read more about the presidents who interested them the most. but i knew from looking at the president's face, the intensity of the decision he was making. you know, more than anyone, his. i never intended to be vocal in any way about what was going on. during my eight years as the chief official white house photographer for the obama administration, i documented all the important moments of his presidency. my mom was a nurse. >> seemed like forever. and my suggestion was watering the tree. which is not always the case, especially with politicians. >> 911. what's the location of your emergency? >> you did, huh? john brennan who at that time was the homeland security adviser was updating him throughout the morning and then finally came in and said 26 people had died including 20 grade school kids. >> so, can we go to the place i usually get the cherry tomatoes? >> an early health-care speech he was working on with john favreaux. >> they're still running. mr. president, just half a step this way. ♪ there is a light at the end of this road ♪ ♪ and i know that there's still a long way to go ♪ ♪ as long as my head is high and i walk with pride go with the, strength inside ♪ ♪ take every step in stride ♪ no chance will pass me by long as i always try ♪ ♪ won't let my passions die and as long as i'm alive ♪ ♪ the future belongs to me, oh, the future belongs to me ♪ ♪ and it's gonna be a beautiful thing to see ♪ >> america's always been two stories battling each other. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. >> the bill is passed. but, so, i didn't ever think of it as a conflict because it wasn't -- i wasn't a pr photographer. the starkest possible contrast. you know, they remember the marriage between barack and michelle obama. yes, they have greater anxieties but they're leading a life that has a daily ritual to it. the chicago tribune based in d.c. if somebody had told me that i would end up working for the most iconic republican president of our generation, and then the most iconic democrat president of our generation, i would have said they were crazy. i've never heard snoring. and their son, ben, who was 6 was shot and killed. unlike his predecessor, mr. trump does not allow his staff photographer free range to, capture behind-the-scenes photograph of life and work in the white house. >> well this is from the lips. every page looked like this. that was the challenge, for me, for my job for eight years. ♪ >> i view everything, now, through the lens of the presidency. but i want to tell you first how i -- how i got there. >> pete had walking pneumonia one time and he still came to work. but i knew from looking at the president's face, the intensity of the decision he was making. the rose garden's not good enough for you? rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. >> my wife and i are going to get tested for hiv/aids. and president obama makes a beeline towards me. as a husband. this is the wheeler family, francine and david. i wasn't with him every day. he had the kind of qualities, within him, where people -- people would relate to him. and word got out that he was in there. but i would say that those we the most difficult times. trivialized by having to respond to tweets, you know? i would have said they were crazy. and he realizes, now, the good work that his mom was doing. in some respects, i think it did a disservice not to show him in these true, authentic, behind-the-scenes moments, more than they did. i, in some ways, have ruined any chance that i have of being a working photojournalist again. i just said to gibbs, i said. it totally matters who's in the white house. the chevy price you pay, ...is what we pay. >> he really wanted to be a photographer, you know, and that's a really competitive field. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. for dust on my floors, i switch to sweeper. one time he went and we saw corey remsberg. >> one of the worst days of his presidency was the day of the sandy hook elementary school shootings in newtown. >> i want to speak directly to the young men and women of color in this country. >> yep. it customizes our home insurance so we only pay for what we need! cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last. we have two shovels. >> yes, the president, said that he knew what he signed up for. >> you know, i like the still photograph. [roar] whoa! >> can i get one kale bunch? and one night i saw a scene and i started to cry. i really felt that i was doing good work and people were seeing it. >> it was a beautiful, summery, warm morning. Great photographer, that in the end turned out to be great human being with a good sense of humor. they remember a certain speech he gave. like every morning, unlocked the door, turned on the television. i knew what i was doing. unlike his predecessor, mr. trump does not allow his staff photographer free range to capture behind the scenes. he walked in the room and he said, "we're going to have some fun." blow his cheeks as if he was unsure if he would be able to keep it together. but, events had a way of intervening, especially in the middle east. >> pete really wanted to be the guy who disappears and that's the gift when you're white house photographer is the president doesn't even know you're in the room. >> don't be -- when you report fake news, which cnn does a lot, you are the enemy of the people. obviously he was very intelligent but i think he also had the right temperament to become president. disrespects the office of the presidency. so what is it about this moment and this president that has changed you? but not too close for comfort. ♪ one of my favorite days was we had a big snow storm, it was called snowmegeddon and he ended up coming out for about two hours, it was just the three of them and me. and one night i saw a scene and i started to cry. in that spirit of giving, chevy's proud to give our employee discount to everyone. it doesn't matter. and then towards the end of the administration, president obama visited him in arizona at his new house. it was -- i filled the disk. # whether it's newtown or aurora or any of these places, pete was the only guy that was always in those rooms, you know. ♪ ♪ over the horizon ♪ smooth sailing >> i think there was an enormous amount of respect overseas when he was elected. he was the head of the presidential protective division of the secret service. he had the kind of qualities within him where people -- people would relate to him. >> no. what was he looking at? i know joe biden, so i'm voting for joe biden. and he'll tell you that the best day at the white house was the day that congress passed the affordable care act. >> yeah, i would never have done it -- i would never have done it if you know, jeb bush or john kasich or -- look, this is, this is not a partisan thing to me. >> when we went to kenya, he had this meeting with some ngos and word got out that he was in there. and i said, you just have not been paying attention. sorry about that. >> can you give us -- >> don't be rude. >> when he vocalized in that interview his support for same-sex marriage, that was a moment for me as well. you know, i always wondered what did pete souza get from president obama? robinhood believes now is the time to do money. it is a foundational relationship between human beings. to this day i have that same feeling. generationally he had more common in people that worked for him in their 20s than he did with probably the other senators in washington. somehow he survived, not drowning. >> sometimes there are days like this, when that slow, steady effort is rewarded with justice that arrives like a thunderbolt. i wanted the level of access that okamoto had to johnson. >> i think there's somebody. and you're blocking me off. it actually was.d me. >> thank you, guys. and then, beyond communication is the ability to control emotions, and to remain cool during difficult times. if there's a dog that crosses the street at 1:00, that has a potential to be the page-one photo. maybe some steps have been taken to get that solved. you could see him trying to decide, can i pull this off? b, i was really not the biggest fan of reagan. nation. this is the day i met him, the presence of my camera didn't bother him at all. well, talk about the bin laden raid, it was a very tense day. and i used to look at this book all the time. and now it's up to those special forces on the ground. >> congratulations to you. >> i thought so. 40 9/11s. and you always see the person in that position, behind the president or behind the first lady. and they need all of us right now. initial was standing next to him. always ready. and then, at the very end, in some ways, you have to have the self-confidence to create a team of people around you, who can criticize you, who can question your assumptions, who can argue with you. this book, for each administration, was updated subsequently. he was starting to walk with a walker. get in a taxi and come to the white house. and i think some words that were crossing my mind were leadership, character, and empathy. and this is jacob, and his mom said, mr. president, jacob has a question for you. totally dependent on the relationship that you have with the president. and von everett, one of the butlers who had been there since the reagan years, you can imagine what it was like for him to have been there for the first african-american president. don't just stand there. please! >> you know, i rank 99th out of 100 in seniority. it's like that never happens to me. my job was to make an edit of -- from 10,000 down to what would be about 50 pictures a week. in fact, subaru and our retailers will have proudly donated over two hundred million dollars to national and hometown charities through the subaru share the love event. TV Archive but i came to learn that the schedule was really just the starting point. god bless you. he called john in and they sat on this sofa for an hour and a half, and went over every change that he had made. i just didn't know it was called dropping or throwing shade. are they going to manage that stage or is the white house going to do that? >> no, please. i just thought it was dangerous. you could see the anxiety in michelle as she's trying to brush off some lint from the back of his jacket. >> american history won't be the same again. >> i think there's a lot of people doing a lot of great work. because you need to know your status. >> i always thought of you as fairly apolitical. you could sense the anger of, what was going on around him. With Pete Souza, Barack Obama, Ben Rhodes, Patti Lease. - i'm lea. we're related to them? and i'm like scrolling through, and i come to this picture. and of course he had been out of the white house for so many years and pete did that. and that, really, humanizes the president of the united states. and you don't see any high fives. The film offers an unprecedented look behind the scenes at two of the most iconic presidents in American History, Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan, as seen through the eyes of renowned White House photographer, Pete Souza… they were things that happened between events and moments that you couldn't ever predict. it stands for how kids will see themselves differently forever. my wife and i are going to get tested for hiv-aids. Pete Souza served as the Chief Official White House Photographer for the Obama presidency, and his work is the subject of the new documentary 'The Way I See It,' which premieres Friday night on MSNBC. alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. and i get chills thinking about it. i made that picture where the tower commission, after this many-month investigation, had concluded that, in fact, reagan had sold arms for hostages. i don't think a photojournalist is supposed to be opinionated. because giving, ...and giving back, is what the holidays are all about. but to me it really defines that whole scandal and how impactful it was on his presidency. The Way I See It is a documentary about former Chief Official White House Photographer Pete Souza. there's a tradition that the incoming president comes to the white house the morning before the inauguration for a reception. >> hey. tv The Way I See It MSNBC December 31, 2020 7:00pm-9:00pm PST . went in, unlocked the door, turned on the television. on January 1, 2021. during my eight years as the chief official white house photographer for the obama administration i documented all the important moments of his presidency. This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code). >> that bin laden photo is so powerful because nobody is posing. Directed by Dawn Porter. it's just to be sure. and helping them understand what it was like. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. i want you to know that you matter. if there was such a category, i would have been in the most unlikely to succeed. i saw a prevagen commercial and i thought, "that makes sense." >> thank you, sir. >> anytime i think a child comes back to his parents' grave, it. you can get it by ordering a free sim card online. it stands for how kids will see themselves differently forever. corey was thrown into a ravine. >> no. president obama invited the president-elect, just two days after the election, to the white house. >> you're on the front page of every paper this week, you're all over television. and then when sasha was dancing, he would turn and watch her. >> the photographs that i post on instagram now, and the words that i write, i think speak for themselves. yeah. Souza joins … >> five ways to -- >> photographer, sure. crisp and light percale sheets, to cool, supportive mattresses and plush pillow for your best nights sleep. >> the picture in the bottom right is right after they knew, they had killed bin laden. i knew what i was doing i just didn't know it was called dropping or throwing shade. so it became something that i felt i had to do. and yet there's hundreds of people working for him. you know, there'd be chatter, chatter, people commiserating. then when sasha was dancing, he would turn and watch her. not a cent more. Working with families as diverse as the Reagans and the Obamas, he helps us see the personal side of … i think that, in retrospect, is more than disappointing. >> can you give us a question? and i said, how old are you guys? and he started laughing and he was like, of course you can. the chevy price you pay, ...is what we pay. >> maliyah who had just gotten home from school was standing in the hallway, and he latched onto her and just would not let her go. no more heebie jeebies. 10pmET, 9PMCentral.⁣ ⁣ I will be doing a…” • See 2,551 photos and videos on their profile. you're in control from start to finish. >> yes, the president said that he knew what he signed up for, but it hurts anyways. i did not necessarily agree with some of the things that president reagan was doing. and it's a very special thing because it breaks down the idea that these people are somehow different from us. we're portuguese? >> for me it is constantly important to remind myself why i got into this business in the first place. this is the wheeler family, francine and david, and their son, ben, who was 6 was shot and killed. As Oficial White House Photographer, Souza … >> uh-huh. the stressful times. and i said, okay, i'll -- i'll be there tomorrow. was 6'6". he could not have stopped it, but he would have listened to the science early on. while we've achieved hard earned milestones in iraq, the situation in afghanistan is deteriorating. >> well, i think they want to do one standing. you don't see any high fives. ♪ the white house photo editor called me up one day out of the blue and said we want you to apply for this job. and then only a few hours later having to identify your child's body, who has been shot multiple times at close range. 24/7/365 for eight years anymore. dress rehearsal in the afternoon before flying up to newtown. i just thought it was dangerous. >> the more i've studied leaders in crisis times, whether it's lincoln or fdr or teddy roosevelt or lbj during the civil rights struggle they had almost like a family resemblance of leadership traits, the first one being humility, the ability to be able to acknowledge error and learn from your mistakes. one time he went and we saw corey remsberg, the guy he was. versus, people who don't want to give up power. there was a sense of relief. a, i was not really that into politics. and they never saw their mom for, like, two years. i mean, just the way people were hanging onto his every word. healthier brain. because, you know, it just takes out of you, physically and mentally. 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