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australian national flag

Auch die unteren Verwaltungsebenen in Australien verfügen über eigene Flaggen. South Australia | Die Flagge, bekannt unter der Bezeichnung National Colonial Flag, bestand aus einem weißen Tuch mit rotem Georgskreuz, welches an jedem Ende einen weißen Stern trug, die für das Kreuz des Südensstehen sollen. However, sources disagree on the colours of the Australian flags, leaving open the possibility that either ensign or both were used. Flagge von Königin Elisabeth II. ? That bastard flag is a true symbol of the bastard state of Australian opinion. Prime Minister Robert Menzies then recommended schools, government building and private citizens to use the Blue Ensign, issuing a statement the following year allowing Australians to use either ensign providing it was done so respectfully. The first two were the Royal Australian Navy Ensign and the Royal Australian Air Force Ensign, the flags used by the Royal Australian Navy and the Royal Australian Air Force. Minds move slowly: and Australia is still Britain's little boy. They were Ivor Evans, a fourteen-year-old schoolboy from Melbourne; Leslie John Hawkins, a teenager apprenticed to an optician from Sydney; Egbert John Nuttall, an architect from Melbourne; Annie Dorrington, an artist from Perth; and William Stevens, a ship's officer from Auckland, New Zealand. [61], The Blue Ensign replaced the Union Jack at the Olympic Games at St Louis in 1904. The proclamation of the Australian Flag as a National Flag was made under The Flags Act of 1953. National: Morning Star. Davor benutzten australische Kriegsschiffe die britische White Ensign. The flags at Australian Flag Makers are better than ever because we now use a 650 denier polyester material called 650D FusionTex. This was the original Union Flag introduced in 1606 that did not include the Saint Patrick's Saltire, included from 1801 after the Acts of Union 1801. On the Australian flag, the cluster of five stars comprises the constellation of the Southern Cross, which is Australia's geographical location within the Southern Hemisphere. Vanuatu, Abhängige Gebiete Diese blau-weiße Flagge mit Sternen befindet sich heutzutage im Museum Eureka Stockade Center in Ballarat. The Australian Flag was first flown on 3 rd September 1901. Hier einige Beispiele. A competition was held to find the design for Australia's own flag. [109] The primary arguments for keeping the flag cite historic precedence, while those for changing the flag are based around the idea that the status quo does not accurately depict Australia's status as an independent and multicultural nation,[110] nor is its design unique enough to easily distinguish it from similar flags, such as that of New Zealand, Cook Islands and Tuvalu (despite the counter argument that this is not uncommon, as seen with Romania and Chad sharing near identical flags). The National Flag of Australia contains three elements: The British Union Jack on a blue field - reflecting the historical origins of the Australian flag, The Southern Cross - reflecting Australia's geographic position in the Southern Hemisphere, and Add to cart. Ihre Flagge wehte nur vom 29. M.O.58 (1908) Attention is directed to Statutory Rule 27/08 published in M.O. [6] The stars are named after the first five letters of the Greek alphabet, in decreasing order of brightness in the sky. Aboriginal Tent Embassy: Icon or Eyesore? The eight pointed extends the current flag, adding a first point for Australia's first peoples and reflecting the Eureka and Federation flags. Australia′s first ′Federal′ flag was chosen from a national flag competition held in 1901. Despite this, there remained confusion until the Flags Act 1953 declared the Blue Ensign to be the national flag and the Red Ensign the flag of the Australian mercantile marine. [42] They wanted the Australian Federation Flag, and Prime Minister Barton, who had been promoting the Federation Flag, submitted this flag along with that chosen by the judges to the Admiralty for final approval. [6] Ivor Evans, one of the flag's designers, intended the Southern Cross to also refer to the four moral virtues ascribed to the four main stars by Dante: justice, prudence, temperance and fortitude. The guidelines say that the Australian National Flag is allowed to be flown on every day of the year,[21] and that it "should be treated with respect and dignity it deserves as the nation's most important national symbol". Flags are flown at half-mast on government buildings:[26], The Department provides a subscription-based email service called the Commonwealth Flag Network, which gives information on national occasions to fly the flag at half-mast as well as national days of commemoration and celebration of the flag.[27]. Das Motto der besagten Liga war: Die New South Wales Ensign wird deshalb auch als Australian Federation Flag oder Australian Ensign bezeichnet und stellt für viele die erste echte australische Flagge dar. This change was officially gazetted on 23 February 1903. Die Flaggen der australischen Bundesstaaten sind stets gleich aufgebaut: Auf einer Blue Ensign wird ein Emblem gezeigt, das meist aus dem Colony Badge, dem Erkennungszeichen der Kolonie, hervorging. [100], The Australian Defence Force Ensign was proclaimed in 2000. Für die zivile Führung zur See ist die australische Red Ensign vorgesehen. Das korrekte Aussehen der National Colonial Flag ist umstritten. [24] The British Blue Ensign can be flown on an Australian owned ship instead of the Australian Flag if the owner has a warrant valid under British law. Fidschi | Der Commonwealth Star wurde am 22. The current seven-pointed Commonwealth Star version was introduced by a proclamation dated 8 December 1908. Heard- und McDonald-Inseln | The Australian Ensign will accordingly be flown at all flag stations throughout the Commonwealth. Due to an administrative oversight they were not, and the proclamations were automatically repealed. On the death of the head of state of another country with which Australia has diplomatic relations—the flag would be flown on the day of the funeral. On the centenary of the first flying of the flag, 3 September 2001, the Australian National Flag Association presented the Prime Minister with a flag intended to replace the missing original flag. It was later used on Remembrance Day in 2003 for the opening of the Australian War Memorial in Hyde Park in London.[86]. This flag was only briefly in usage, as two years after the formation of the Anti-Transportation League in 1851, the colonial authorities decided to stop the intake of convicts, so the ATL ceased its activities. Five designers shared the prize because they came up with similar ideas for the Australian flag. Das bedeutet die australische Flagge Die Flagge im Land der Kängurus trägt den sogenannten Union Jack - die Flagge Großbritanniens - in der linken oberen Ecke. On 3 September 1901, the flag was flown for the first time in Melbourne and since then it was announced as Australian National Flag Day. Die Flagge der Anti Transportation League hatte sehr große Ähnlichkeit mit der heutigen Nationalflagge und ihr Einfluss ist auf der aktuellen Flagge Victorias zu sehen. A design was passed in 1903 by King Edward VII; while the modern 7-pointed Commonwealth Star version was adopted on 8 th December 1908. Unbestritten ist, dass ab diesem Zeitpunkt die Sterne, Symbol für das Kreuz des Südens, die weitere australische Flaggensymbolik beherrschten. Die Flagge Australiens gehört neben der Flagge Jordaniens zu den beiden einzigen Flaggen, die einen siebenzackigen Stern tragen. In 1953, during the second reading debate on the Flags Act, the leader of the Opposition, Arthur Calwell, unsuccessfully called for provisions to be added to the bill to criminalise desecration. The Australian National Flag is Australia’s foremost national symbol. Diskutiert werden Versionen, die auf der White Ensign (Georgskreuz mit dem Union Jack im Obereck) basieren und Sterne mit fünf oder acht Zacken aufweisen. Südamerika, Flaggen der australischen Bundesstaaten und Territorien, Vereinigten Königreichs Großbritannien und Nordirland, Flaggen und Wappen der australischen Bundesstaaten, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Flagge_Australiens&oldid=203686266, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Die Krone über dem Kreuz des Südens auf der, Dieser Artikel wurde am 19. Australian National Flag. [10], In the decades following federation the red ensign was also the preeminent flag in use by private citizens on land. 1996. Chris Owen, 'Ensign flags a very special Aussie day', United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, constituent countries of the United Kingdom, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Historical flags of the British Empire and the overseas territories, "Commonwealth of Australia Gazette 1908 No. Januar 1903 konnte die Regierung die Nachricht vermelden, dass Edward VII. There have been several attempts to make desecration of the Australian flag a crime. There have been mild but persistent debates over whether or not the Union Flag should be removed from the canton of the Australian flag. The Australian Flag. Flag Adopted: 14 April 1954 Flag Proportion: 1:2 Use: State, Civil and Military Flag and State Ensign. [115][note 1] A 2010 Morgan Poll that asked: "Do you think Australia should have a new design for our National Flag?" Victoria | [55], In the 1940s, the federal government began to encourage public use of the blue ensign. 1981), which supports changing the flag,[108] and the Australian National Flag Association (ANFA) (est. [33] This was the original Union Flag introduced in 1606 that did not include the Saint Patrick's Saltire, included from 1801 after the Acts of Union 1801. Guidelines for flying the flag are laid out in the 1953 Flags Act and in a pamphlet entitled "The Australian National Flag", which is infrequently published by the Australian Government. Die Unionsflagge im Obereck suggeriert, dass Australien eine Britische Kolonie oder ein abhängiges Gebiet sei. The flag represents our history of British settlement. Commonwealth, Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, 20 November 1953, 367, (Bob Menzies). [98] While mainly seen as a gesture of reconciliation, this recognition caused a small amount of controversy at the time, with then opposition leader John Howard describing it as divisive. Afrika | Western Australia. In 1901, the Commonwealth Government sanctioned the publication Review of R… This bill sought to make it "a criminal offence to wilfully destroy or otherwise mutilate the Flag in circumstances where a reasonable person would infer that the destruction or mutilation is intended publicly to express contempt or disrespect for the Flag or the Australian Nation. [103], In addition to the seven flags declared under the Flags Act, there are two additional Commonwealth flags, the Australian Civil Aviation Ensign [30] In 2003, the Australian Flags (Desecration of the Flag) Bill was tabled in Parliament by Trish Draper without support from Howard and subsequently lapsed. The flag of Australia is a national flag. [35] One of these was submitted by an unnamed governor of a colony. [34] The competition conducted by the Review of Reviews for Australasia—a Melbourne-based publication—later that year thought such a restriction seemed unwise, despite observing that designs without these emblems were unlikely to be successful;[34] nonetheless, it suggested that entries incorporate the two elements in their design. The designs were judged on seven criteria: loyalty to the Empire, Federation, history, heraldry, distinctiveness, utility and cost of manufacture. Although the flag was designed by Nicholson in 1831, it did not become widely popular until the latter part of the century, when calls for federation began to grow louder. [45], On 2 June 1904 a resolution was passed by parliament to replace the Union Jack with the "Australian Flag" on forts. Insbesondere ist sie schwer von einigen anderen Flaggen zu unterscheiden, die auf einer, Die Flagge betont nicht Australiens Status als unabhängige Nation. [22], When the flag is flown at half-mast, it should be recognisably at half-mast—for example, a third of the way down from the top of the pole. Dem gegenüber stehen die Flaggen der beiden australischen Territorien, die sich in ihrem Aufbau ähneln und jüngeren Datums sind. [36] The entries were put on display at the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne and the judges took six days to deliberate before reaching their conclusion. [43] The Admiralty chose the Red for private vessels and Blue Ensigns for government ships. M.O.135 (1911) It is directed that in future the Australian Flag is to be used as the saluting flag at all reviews and ceremonial parades. Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No 18, 23 March 1934. Presented to the Hon John Howard MP, Prime Minister of Australia on behalf of the people of Australia by the Australian National Flag Association on 3 September 2001 at the Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne to commemorate the first flying of the Australian National Flag on 3 September 1901 attended by the Rt Hon Sir Edmund Barton MHR, Prime Minister of Australia. Diese Bergleute, vereint unter der Führung Peter Lalors, setzten sich für die Freilassung gefangener Landsleute, allgemeine Wahlen, geheime Abstimmungen und viele andere Reformen ein. Französisch-Polynesien | S321, 28 August 1996. Tonga | The Australian National flag design consists of a defaced Blue Ensign design, of a blue field with a Union Jack in the canton. [10][73], On 4 December 1950, the Prime Minister Robert Menzies affirmed the Blue ensign as the National flag and in 1951 King George VI approved the Government's recommendation.[67]. [36] The differences to the current flag were the six-pointed Commonwealth Star, while the components stars in the Southern Cross had different numbers of points, with more if the real star was brighter. [95] The Air Force and the Navy flew the appropriate British ensigns (the White Ensign and the Royal Air Force Ensign) until the adoption of similar ensigns based on the Australian National Flag in 1948 and 1967 respectively. The Australian national flag defaced with "HMC AUSTRALIA" Federal and state police. It is the second version post 1801 that is depicted on the Australian Flag. [9], The Commonwealth Star, also known as the Federation Star,[6] originally had six points, representing the six federating colonies. From 1911 it was the saluting flag of the Australian army at all reviews and ceremonial parades,[64][65], The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) was promulgated on 5 October 1911 and was directed to fly the British White Ensign on the stern and the flag of Australia on the Jackstaff. [36] The names of the joint winners of the design competition were announced by Hersey, Countess of Hopetoun (the wife of the Governor-General, the 7th Earl of Hopetoun) and she unfurled the flag for the first time. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 15. [66][67][68] Despite the government wanting to use the Blue Ensign on Australian warships, officers continued to fly the Union Flag, and it was not until 1913, following public protest in Fremantle after its use for the review of HMAS Melbourne, that the government "reminded" them of the 1911 legislation. However, an Admiralty Warrant was issued on 5 December 1938, authorising these vessels to fly the Australian Red Ensign. The Shipping Registration Act 1981 reaffirmed that the Australian Red Ensign was the proper "colours" for commercial ships over 24 metres (79 ft) in tonnage length. [111], The Coalition government under John Howard in 1996 formally recognised the commemoration of Australian National Flag Day, in 1998 sponsored an amendment to the Flags Act to require any changes to the national flag design to be passed at a plebiscite along the same lines of the 1977 national song poll, in 2002 supplied ANFA's promotional video free to all primary schools and in 2004 required all schools receiving federal funds to fly the Australian flag. [17] The Australian Government's Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers also gives CMYK and RGB specifications for depicting the flag in print and on screen respectively. [29] In 2002, the leader of the National Party, John Anderson, proposed to introduce laws banning desecration of the Australian flag, a call that attracted support from some parliamentarians both in his own party and the senior Coalition partner, the Liberal Party. Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema Australia National Flag in … Die Australier suchten daher durch die Schaffung einer neuen Flagge eine eigene Identität, ohne die Loyalität zur britischen Krone zu verleugnen. ? The Union Flag, as the flag of the British Empire,[6] was first used on Australian soil on 29 April 1770 when Lieutenant James Cook landed at Botany Bay, and it was again used at the start of European settlement of the country on 26 January 1788. Western Australia, Überseegebiete: national flag consisting of a dark blue field (background) with the Union Jack in the canton and six white stars. Diese Siegerflagge war somit fast gleich der heutigen und unterscheidet sich von dieser lediglich in zwei Punkten: Der große Hauptstern (Commonwealth Star) bestand noch aus 6 Zacken und die Sterne des Kreuzes des Südens hatten ursprünglich zunehmend fünf bis neun Zacken, um der scheinbaren Helligkeit innerhalb des Sternbildes Rechnung zu tragen. [31] In 2006, following a flag-burning incident during the 2005 Cronulla riots and a burnt flag display by a Melbourne artist, Liberal MP Bronwyn Bishop introduced the Protection of the Australian National Flag (Desecration of the Flag) Bill 2006. 2 talking about this. The blue color has a different hex code for RGB scheme, but when printed -the Pantone number- it is the same: Australia (Pantone 280C, Hex: 00008B) vs. United Kingdom (Pantone 280C, Hex: 012169). [22] The flag must be flown in all government buildings and displayed in polling stations when there is a national election or referendum. Aborigines | in Australien, Australian Customs Service (Australische Zollbehörde), Bundesstaaten und Territorien: This led to five stars of nine, eight, seven, six and five points respectively.[36]. [47] Since 1996 this date has been officially known as Australian National Flag Day. Ashmore- und Cartierinseln | [88][89][90][91][92][93][94], Under Section 5 of the Flags Act 1953, the Governor-General may proclaim flags other than the National Flag and the Red Ensign as flags or ensigns of Australia. Explanatory Statement accompanying 2008 proclamation, Legislative Instruments enabled by the Flags Act, The Australian Flag – Similar and Related Flags, "Clear Majority Want to Keep the Australian Flag", "Aussie pride: what Australians love about their country", Australian National Flag | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Australian flag damaged during the bombing of the Australian Embassy in Jakarta on 9 September 2004: National Museum of Australia, Australian flag recovered from the ruins of the World Trade Center, New York, after September 2001 terrorist attack: National Museum of Australia, Parliament house centenary flag (Australia), National, regional and city flags incorporating the Union Jack, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Former British Empire and the overseas territories, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Flag_of_Australia&oldid=1014657870, All Wikipedia articles written in Australian English, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Es gab zwei Versionen der Flagge: rot für die Handelsschiffe (Commonwealth red ensign) und blau für anderen Gebrauch (Commonwealth blue ensign), was zu einigen Verwirrungen in der Flaggenführung führte. The Australian National Flag is blue, white and red. Papua-Neuguinea | Erst mit dem 1953 Flags Act durften auch nicht staatliche Personen die blaue Ensign benutzen und die Verwendung der roten Ensign wurde auf die See beschränkt. Im Jahre 1851 bildete sich die Anti Transportation League, die sich gegen den weiteren Zutransport von Verurteilten nach Australien und Neuseeland wehrte. Neben dieser Symbolik beinhalteten viele Entwürfe Motive aus der einheimischen Tierwelt. Auch diese gab es in zahlreichen ähnlichen Varianten mit vier, fünf oder sechs Sternen, die wiederum aus fünf bis acht Zacken bestanden. [13] The number of points on the stars of the Southern Cross on the modern Australian flag differs from the original competition-winning design, in which they ranged between five and nine points each, representing their relative brightness in the night sky. The star is an important symbol for navigating the sea. "[46], On 3 September 1901, the new Australian flag flew for the first time from the dome of the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne. The £75 prize money of each competition were combined and augmented by a further £50 donated by Havelock Tobacco Company. Thought was given to an all-Australian flag long before confederation was achieved on January 1, 1901. The flag was designed in 1971 by Harold Thomas, a Luritja man from central Australia, who at the time had recently graduated with honours from the South Australian School of Art in 1969. [9] The majority of designs incorporated the Union Flag and the Southern Cross, but native animals were also popular, including one that depicted a variety of indigenous animals playing cricket. [86] The flag has been transported across the country for flying in every state and territory. [96] The current Navy and Air Force Ensigns were officially appointed in 1967 and 1982 respectively. The Prime Minister, John Howard, rejected the calls stating that "...in the end I guess it's part of the sort of free speech code that we have in this country". The Murray River Flag, popular since the 1850s, is still widely used by boats that traverse Australia's main waterway. 1983), which wants to keep the existing flag. The Stars are representative of the Southern Cross constellation, symbolising the nation, its geographical location, and the significance of Indigenous stories. [4] A slightly different design was approved by King Edward VII in 1903. [1] Seit 2002 hat die Flagge der Weihnachtsinsel einen offiziellen Status. [79], In 1998, the Flags Act was amended to provide that any change to the national flag must be approved by a plebiscite which must offer the existing flag alongside any alternative designs. The flag's original design (with a six-pointed Commonwealth Star) was chosen in 1901 from entries in a competition held following Federation, and was first flown in Melbourne on 3 September 1901,[3] the date proclaimed as Australian National Flag Day. [33] The Eureka Flag is often viewed as the first "Australian" flag as it was the first notable example of a design that had the Southern Cross while excluding the Union Flag. Sarah Harvey, 'Now that’s a flag! [44] The Barton government regarded both the Blue and Red Ensigns as colonial maritime flags[45] and "grudgingly" agreed to fly it only on naval ships. Five flags have been appointed in this manner. [33] This flag consisted of a red cross on a white background, with an eight-point star on each of the four limbs of the cross, while incorporating a Union Flag in the canton. [81] Flag Day celebrations had been occurring in Sydney since 1985. Its width-to-length ratio is 1 to 2. Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. Die Australian White Ensign wird seit 1967 von der Royal Australian Navy verwendet. Northern Territory | Als Staatsoberhaupt von Australien hat Königin Elisabeth II. [101], The Legislative Instruments Act 2003 required the proclamations of these flags to be lodged in a Federal Register. Until this time, Australia used Britain's flag, the Union Jack. Before 1901, what is now Australia was six separate British colonies. Australian National Flag quantity. [107], There are two lobby groups involved in the flag debate: Ausflag (est. Victoria: Southern Sky. Die Gewinnsumme teilten sich schließlich fünf Teilnehmer, deren Vorschläge sich sehr ähnelten und nur in Details voneinander abwichen. 'Students celebrate as the Australian flag turns 103'. In the top left hand corner is the Union Jack. Sie wehte 1854 über der Eureka Stockade, dem Lager einiger Goldminenarbeiter in Ballarat, Victoria. Das Preisgeld stieg durch den Einsatz der Regierung und der Havelock Tobacco Company von £50 auf £200, was für damalige Verhältnisse einen beträchtlichen Betrag darstellte. [112], Ausflag periodically campaigns for flag change in association with national events such as the 2000 Summer Olympics,[113] and holds flag design competitions,[108] while ANFA's activities include promotion of the existing flag through events such as National Flag Day. It was often used to represent them collectively, and each colony also had its own flag based on the Union Flag. [36] The two contests were merged after the Review of Reviews agreed to being integrated into the government initiative. The black lines dividing the panels represent the Torres Strait Islander people. Pitcairninseln | [84], A warrant authorising the use of the Centenary Flag under section 6 of the Flags Act was issued by the Governor-General and the flag is now used as the official flag of state on important occasions. Below the Union Jack is a white, seven-pointed star called the Commonwealth Star. Am 2. Finden Sie perfekte Stock-Fotos zum Thema Australia National Flag sowie redaktionelle Newsbilder von Getty Images. In Abschnitt 3 wird die Commonwealth Blue Ensign als die Nationalflagge bestätigt. National: Golden Wattle. Nördliche Marianen | S headdress ) and is a white dhari ( dancer australian national flag s headdress and! Hat die im November 1998 entworfene Flagge der Aborigines und die aktuelle australian national flag version wurde 1954... 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